Ultimate Handyman DIY Home electrical back boxes

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Here you will find links to pages that show how to fit three different types of backbox for the plastic pattress , the metal backbox or the dry lining backbox

All electrical pages are for information only! New rules have been introduced for electrical safety in the home, please read this document by clicking here, before starting any electrical work

Before working on any electrical circuit you must ensure that it is isolated correctly and cannot accidentally be switched back on. Please read the article on safe isolation procedures before doing any electrical work. If you are not 100% certain what you are doing call a qualified electrician. Building regulations are changing all the time and modifying your home electrics could be against new rules and could invalidate your home insurance, if in doubt check first!




Here are instructions on how to use three of the most common types of electrical accessory back boxes-


how to fit a dry lining box Dry Lining back box

These accessory back boxes are used for fitting into plasterboard and are fast and easy to fit.


how to fit a metal back box Metal Galvanised back boxes

These back boxes are normally used for a flush fitting onto solid walls, such as brick or breezeblock. These can be difficult to fit as the plaster needs chasing out.


how to fit a patress Surface Mounted Patress

Probably the easiest of all back boxes to use, but prone to impact damage!



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