Here we are going to paint a wall that has been rendered a few months previous. When ever you paint render it is important that you prepare the surface carefully before painting. Never just apply masonry paint to a rendered wall without the correct preparation or there is a good chance that the paint will flake off. Before this render was painted the wall was covered in moss and so this was removed and treated a few days prior to the painting. Please see here for more details Moss removal

Before painting any wall that has been rendered you have to ensure that it is clean and has been treated with a suitable fungicide before you start to paint the wall. For newly rendered walls it is also essential to make certain that the wall had dried out fully before painting. Here we are spraying the wall with a fungicide using a garden sprayer. Ensure that you wear disposable gloves and goggles when doing this.

Before painting a masonry wall it will require stabilising. The fungicide was applied the day before and was given a full day to dry, now we need to apply the stabilising solution. Failure to apply this solution could mean that your paint will flake off from the wall in no time at all.

Mix the stabilising solution thoroughly and then pour some into a paint kettle. You will need to apply the solution using a brush as stabilising solution cannot be sprayed on. An absorbent wall like this will soak up the solution like a sponge and so it is essential that you buy enough.

Leave the render to dry out as per the stabilising solution's guidelines, this normally means leaving it to dry for at least a day. Once it is dry you can then put dust sheets on the floor to prevent and paint drips or splashes from marking the floor.

Choose your paint wisely and make sure that you get the correct colour and also get a decent make as some cheap makes of paint can make your job ten times harder. Here we have chosen Glidden exterior masonry paint.

Angle beads can cause problems outside (and inside) because they tend to rust as the galvanised coating can be scratched with the trowel when the render is being applied to the wall, this can cause rust spots to appear through the paint.

To prevent any stains or rust spots from appearing through the paint we are going to use some special exterior grade stain blocker called Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3 which is a water based Primer Sealer and Stain Killer. This has been applied generously over the angle beads and the good news is that this primer is dry in about 30 minutes.