homeplug and WOL

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homeplug and WOL

Post by darkangel2000 »


Does anyone know if you can use Homeplug adaptors and then use the Wake on Lan feature on the pc?

I have a server that currently resides in the cupboard and is connected directly to the router via cable, but want to use a homeplug adaptor to get rid of all the cabling. I need to be able to wake it remotely.


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Post by Hoovie »

Apparently the WOL magicpacket does not get sent via the homeplug network, so probably not.

You could use either a WEP or a standard Wi-Fi Router configured as a bridge to an existing Wi-Fi router and connect the server to a port on that device (I use an old Wi-Fi Router as a bridge from my BT Homehub as a relay to provide a better signal in another part of the house in this way).
Alternatively, you could also fit a Wi-Fi network card in the server.

Both of those suggestions will have a slower connection then the HomePlug connection - not sure how important or not that would be?
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Post by darkangel2000 »

Thanks, so you reckon a WIFI pci card would work then? hadn't considered that one. Speed isn't too paramount, as only a 100mb network in any case. However it is also a wireless N + MIMO networks, so will look into that one.


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Post by Hoovie »

Wake-On-LAN is something which I personally haven't used or configured for a very long time, so can't give definative answer on it's use with a wireless card - just threw that in as a possibile option that could suit.

I would expect most plug-in cards would have WOL compaitibility - I don't believe it is restricted to integrated LAN cards, but if an add-on card does have it, it should be stated as a featue I would guess.
The 'N' standard seems to be better at getting signals though walls also, so it is def. worth going for a 'N' card if you do go wireless card route.
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Post by darkangel2000 »

thanks for that one. I've looked into the wireless issue further and i believe that won't work, so will have to see what i can do.
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