Some questions about how to make a shower.................??

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Some questions about how to make a shower.................??

Post by janos »

Hello All

Im a little new to the forum, I do have some basic joinery skills and basic handyman knowledge. But some stuff I havent got a clue about...........

I have been living in this 3 bed victorian semi by the sea for over 2 yrs. but due to been in and out of work things have been at stand still, suppose thats life, and im probably not alone there.

Im a great believer in giving things a try and doing it for yourself.

well Ill try and explain my brief as best i can. Ill try and upload some pictures later.

I hope Ive put this in the right place, if so I hope one of the mods can move it for me.

Im hoping to re do the bathroom, I want to keep the currant layout.

I have a shower, kind of stands alone with partice walls either side and it has a plastic double base with a sliding door.

Anyhow...! What I want to know is.....

I want a tile floored shower, that you step into if you get what I mean.
what are the basic processes that I must follow.
the floor is floorboards. I noticed that under the plastic base of the shower is some water proof plaster board ( not sure of its technical name)

should i start with some of that water proof board, then some kind of water proof adhesive and then tile or what.....? And a row of bricks where you step into or something like that

please any advice guys......................... :help:
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Post by ultimatehandyman »

Hi, you might get a few tips here-

building a shower
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