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Post by dave.m »

but if i leave it for a day, overnight, or even a couple of hours, I still have to faff around logging in again.
All I can think of is that your browser or computer is not retaining the UHM cookies that allow you to go back to the site and be logged in.

As you can get back within about 30 minutes does that include closing the browser and opening it again?

When you cannot get back without logging in again, have you shut down the computer or just the browser?

Do you run any cleaning program such as Ccleaner or other software program?

I have just tried my IE browser and got onto UHM straight away and I have not used it for a couple of days.

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Post by thescruff »

Just as a silly idea. :wink:

My computer has a sleep mode and goes into hibernation if it's not active, so when the auto refresh on uhm about every 15mins, it logs me out.

I turn it off most of the time and forget some of the time.
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Post by dave.m »

You have a point, Scruff.
Not knowing the full settings of the computer nor what programs may be set to run at certain times keep making for a bit of guess work. But it's all fun.

Aren't computers wonderful things (at times ::b )

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Post by thescruff »

They are aren't they :lol:

Mine will happily go all day and all night then suddenly decide to go into sleep mode ::b
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