Was just about to dump Kaspersky

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Mozzy Jones
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Was just about to dump Kaspersky

Post by Mozzy Jones »

After getting wiped out 3 times (not since about 5 years ago now, safer surfing habits) twice with Symantec (Norton) and once with Mcafee, a pal in teh forces recommended Kaspersky. Since that time I have adored it. Just lately though despite disc cleaning, deletion of temp files, disk defrag it was getting slower and slower to update and kept getting corrupted.

Thought I might go with bit Defender but just before I did I completely removed it and ran search to kill off any outstanding files left behind from uninstall and then reloaded from a disc. Updated some 90 megs worth of course because it was a new disc back in February. Since doing that all is perfeck again.

I just thought I mention the old cherry again about installing and reinstalling...it can be so worthwhile. All I need to do now is keep this one running, 8 years old now and a tad slow generally.

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Post by dave.m »

Thanks for that reminder, Mozzy.

You can picture it inside the Kaspersky Folder, daily updates keep arriving and get 'filed' in the updates folder like a teenager's bedroom. Even defrags don't tidy up folders they just dump stray files into the correct folder, and if it is set to organise in numerical or alphabetical order from when it was installed, then the updates are not 'last in- top of list' so can be a [pain to find and slow the process down.

Changing the bed and hoovering the floor work in the bedroom, so a good reinstall can have the same effect.

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Post by Funky Diver »

The Norton / McAfee utils are like PC cancer, IMHO. They infest your PC with bloating so much that if you NEED to get rid of them you're better off formatting your drive.

Not tried Kaperky for a long time, but then that's probably because I'm happy with Avast Home (Free!!) along with Windows Defender Firewall.

Since I installed it, not a single issue due to malware / Virii... and I DO NOT have safe surfing habits!
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