This forum is for reviews of Budget power tools such as B&Q / Wickes own brand, Direct power / Titan / challenge / Performance power / Erbauer / Skill/ Bosch Green / Black & Decker

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Post by Srm »

Have you ever tried one of them?
They are good for DIY...It is a German company even if most of the power tools are made in China...
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Post by thescruff »

I can feel some Spam coming on. :roll:

I assume you mean Einhell, the sort of rubbish they have in Lidl's for 20quid
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Post by Srm »

It is not spam , mate....
Do you think Ebauer or skill are better?
It is just another make...They make different model a blue line and a red line which is better than blue.
Have you ever used them?
Probably not, you are to busy criticising other people...
I was asking for an opinion....That's all
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Post by thescruff »

Srm wrote:Have you ever tried one of them?
They are good for DIY...It is a German company even if most of the power tools are made in China...
Doesn't read like you were asking an opinion. :roll:
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Post by dave.m »

The catalogue is not much use, NO PRICES quoted and also lack of info on what type of batteries are provided.

To compare prices with other drills etc of similar size and voltage, you have to go to the suppliers list, chesck out the suppliers then search the suppliers site for the product.

For DIY work I have always been satisfied for things like sanders and other 'rarely used' tools from Lidl or Aldi with something like the Parkside brand, and at least you know the price when they are on offer without having to spend ages on different sites comparing.

So, sorry, until you posted I had never heard of them. If I was looking on the Argos site and came across the name, never having heard of it before, I would just flick to the next choice if it was a name I recognised.

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Post by StyXSIS »

Ive had an einhell biscuit joiner for about a year and a half it cost about £50 and its pretty accurate and as a back up tool its worth it. I have used there drills a couple of times but there just for basic d.i.y, not much in battery power or leghth of useage as they realie more on the battery voltage rather than ampage like professional tools do so they run down pretty quickly if drilling more than just pilot holes & screwdriving. I also used one of those small 4.8volt angle screwdrivers from einhell it had a swivel head like the bosch gwi 10.8v angle driver i haven't found where to buy one yet but i would if i do it was usefull for the size.
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Post by big-all »

if you can strech to ryobi good stuff good price full back up perfect for the diy market 30 tools for the same batteries for the home and garden
the old blue stuff[made till last year]is forward and backwark compatable with the new batteries and the new tools fit the old batteries
we are all ------------------still learning
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