Bathroom refit

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Bathroom refit

Post by warmadmax »

Hi guys, been lurking in here to get some idea's on how to tackle my bathroom.

due to rip out the current bath and basin soon and was wondering the best way to tackle tiling afterwards


has got a few shots of it after the father and I put a toilet in.

now i'm coming to remove the bath and basin,
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As you can see, the end of the bath doesn't meet the wall and has been tiled over.

Idea at minute is the following,
1) battern out the far wall the toilet and sink is on to take up the difference of the bath not fitting flush top and bottom,
2) hide the pipes in the false wall behind the battern
3) rip out the window cill which sticks out nearly 2 inch
4) plasterboard it
5) fit bath with a bit of play top and bottom for panel to fit (i.e. not get stuck on tiles
5) tile it. :idea1:

The other walls i'll check to see how true they are, presuming its plaster straight to block / brickwork as its a 1950's house.
if they're true enough I was only planning on sanding the paint off and get back to plaster.

the wall with pen marks shows roughly where the shower will go above the new bath,
this wall will be chased out for shower pipes.

Not sure whether to have all the walls tiled or just ceiling to bath, splash back behind sink and tiled window cill.

Any glaring problems tiling wise from what i'm looking at or hints to start me off?
Have read to use at least 12.5mm plasterboard as a backer, only planning on small ceramics (20 / 30 cm ish?)

Should I tank every wall or just the ones round the bath?
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Re: Bathroom refit

Post by warmadmax »

quick layout with paint,

red line being the wall to battern out.
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toilet, sink, bow front bath with taps on long edge, towel rail
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Re: Bathroom refit

Post by wine~o »

I'd put the shower on the wall that you are battening, easier to run the pipes. and the shower will be spraying along the length of the bath..
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Re: Bathroom refit

Post by warmadmax »

it's a doubled ended bath, both ends slope inwards,
Bow front bath, i'll try and find some pictures.

didn't want to be standing on the slope...

{edit} this style
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Re: Bathroom refit

Post by warmadmax »

Whipped the tiles off tonight with the sds, ready for new bath going in.

previous owners appear to have chosen purple as their paint scheme before the blue :puke:
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have chosen tiles, can I check that they won't be too heavy for the wall,
Missus went round a "well known" store with tiles in the name and chose her favourite.

tile called fusion, they're measuring out at 25cm x 40cm, ceramic, look to be 6mm or less in thickness,

wall is definitely plaster onto brickwork, some of it was loose when I sds'ed the tiles off so have taken what I can out.

Can someone let me know if these are too heavy for my wall?
and any preference on adhesive?
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Re: Bathroom refit

Post by royaloakcarpentry »

Be fine on your walls.
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