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Post by Razor »

Tom the videos are awesome geezer but it would be soooo nice if you could up the resolution a weeny bit :wink:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by wine~o »

:dunno: Wouldn't that mean re making them all???

(I assume you were happy with the res. on the "Elvis" vids, Ray..)
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Re: TomPlum

Post by Razor »

I did mean in future :roll:

Although at the moment Toms posting more reruns than you get episodes of Top Gear on Dave :lol: :lol:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by BillyGoat »

Razor wrote:Although at the moment Toms posting more reruns than you get episodes of Top Gear on Dave :lol: :lol:
Is that even possible????????????????????????????????????

I think the world might implode if that was true.
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Re: TomPlum

Post by wine~o »

Hmmmm....logging off now..there's an edition of topgear on...
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Re: TomPlum

Post by tomplum »

thanks for the advise Razor, now whats resolution and how would I up it,
the story on re runs and why my camera/resolutions might be better,(when I find out what that is )

earlier last year I got a editing program for my video's, now because I am a complete novice with computers and anything digital I made a edited video and uploaded it to youtube, It was only a trail chuck so I deleted it but accidentally deleted 90 of the other video's,
So then many of my subscribers wanted them reloading and I have been doing so ,
Then my camera packed in, they wanted £112 to repair it so I bought another camera which I have't quite mastered yet, this might be where I need to adjust the resolution,
anyrode in a nutshell thats it,
So any advise on getting it right is welcome and I will act accordingly

many thanks,
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Re: TomPlum

Post by white pan man »

I have not seen many of them,I was waiting for them to come out on blue ray,guess that's a ways off by the looks of it :sad:
But have still nominated Tom for a Brit award
Think he will wash up well and look good in a tucks :wink:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by Razor »

It might be easier for you to send them to Chez to upload you could have your own section on UHM :wink:

Will ask the mods to move this to computing so one of the geeks can explain the resolution thinngy - us plumbums are all far too manly to worry about that sort of stuff :lol:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by moderator6 »

It appears TP has been committing the unforgivable sin of uploading low res videos to you tube.

Can anyone help us to see how handsome he really looks?
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Re: TomPlum

Post by BillyGoat »

moderator6 wrote:...Can anyone help us to see how handsome he really looks?
Easily fixed...he needs to LOWER the resolution more.... :lol:

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Re: TomPlum

Post by tomplum »

don't start talking puterlegob, only plain english please, don't forget I'm a plumber, I don't know what megabytes are and the only rams I know have woolly coats, :lol:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by BillyGoat »


I'm not a video man, but let me tell you - you know more about computermabobs than your average Joe!

Making, editing and uploading a video is the things dreams are made of for most people!

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Re: TomPlum

Post by tomplum »

nice of you to say that billy, but believe me, I'm just 'feeling around in the dark' its all trial and error, when I got this new camera, I spent nearly a week trying to upload films, found out after asking loads of folks that the software in the camera itsself (arcsoft) is not compatable with windows xp, once I knew that and was shown how to upload I was away again,
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Re: TomPlum

Post by ultimatehandyman »

I don't think you could increase the resolution on your videos with your existing camera, unless it is HD.
I must admit when you pulled your camera out of your pocket at Donna's Dreamhouse it took me by surprise as it just looked like a mobile phone :shock:

My camera's are a little bit bigger but I always mount my camera on a tripod and turn the screen around so that I can make sure I am filming what I should be (still I start filming though and talking and when I recheck the footage to edit it, I find that I have moved and have completely missed what I wanted to film)
Editing HD footage can also be very memory hungry and some older computers will struggle.

The vids are great though even in low resolution, I have learnt a few things from watching them :thumbright:
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Re: TomPlum

Post by BillyGoat »

tomplum wrote:nice of you to say that billy, but believe me, I'm just 'feeling around in the dark' its all trial and error, when I got this new camera, I spent nearly a week trying to upload films, found out after asking loads of folks that the software in the camera itsself (arcsoft) is not compatable with windows xp, once I knew that and was shown how to upload I was away again,
Thats the thing - you are prepared to try! Kudos to you.

The amount of people who just say "I don't know" and throw the towel in. People learn through trail and error - it's just having the balls to do it!

I always used to say "They give you discs to recovery if you screw your computer up - but you'll learn never to do it again!"

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