I hope I can explain this so that my confusion can be understood!
I am using basic 15cm square black and white tiles - part of the pattern I am creating is a chequered band around the bathroom.
I decided to plot it out before I start cos I realise the pattern could go very wrong if I don't start in the right place.
By starting on the wall behind the bath I end up with approx. 6cm of tile at each end. So far so good.....
My thoughts are that as I go into the adjacent walls I should continue the pattern so that it gives the effect that the pttern is continuous. So the cut on the next wall is just under 10cm. Is this the way this would normally be down with this sort of pattern??
The dilema though is that on one the walls this then creates a narrow cut of about 3cm (once the next wall is tiled only approx. 2.4cm will show). I can then do the same as the other corner and do just over a 12cm cut round the corner to continue the pattern...
I hope my description makes sense! I think it would look wrong if I start in the centre of each wall and end up with nicely balanced cuts at each end but at the expense of the chequer continuing (or would it?) I having trouble visualising what the final result will look like and I am thinking this must be text book problem that someone with experience will be able to help me get my head round.
Thanks in advance.