Acer laptop on Win XP.

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Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by samjmann »

Hello all, :thumbleft:

Got the above Acer laptop on single core normal uPC 1gb mem. The unit has been repeatedly turned off at the mains without going thru
the normal shutdown. The problem is that after start-up, it is busy 'looking on the net' for something. This results in the unit being unuseable for 30mins! After this period it's fine. If I disconect it from the net on start-up it works OK.

Its been defragged on two different programmes (this made quite a difference!), I've ran asshampoo regcleaner, turned off programs on the start-up menu. the problem is that there must be something in 'processes' in task manager thats keeping the unit so busy for half anhour or so. At this point I'm a bit unsure of what to turn off in case the thing won't re-start.

Thanks for any help or advice.

SJM. :hello2:
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by big-all »

have you done a disc clean up :dunno:
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by kellys_eye »

Re-install the network drivers and/or the wireless drivers.

Check your network settings (workgroup name) and if you're wireless, check you have YOUR network set as the default.
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by samjmann »

Hi big-all & kellys_eye. :wink:

Have done a disc clean, will check network/and wireless drivers. A few people have been telling me to add more memory. I know this won't do any harm, but as far as I could see all i would be doing was to 'mask' the problem by making the unit generally faster.

Will do as you said, I'll let you know how I went with it.

Thanks for the help.

samjmann. :-)
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by gpick24 »

Could you try a system restore?
Start>All Programs>System Tolls>System Restore.
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by gpick24 »

Could also run an error check.
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by FFX »

You could try checking the pagefile - I had a similar problem and changing the pagefile allowed size solved it.

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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by tombarry »

Somebody I know does the same thing and turn's off from mains rather than waiting to shut down -
has the same problem too now
Not had a look at it but doing a quick google
Could be various updates are being d/loaded then lost as not saved then reupdated on reboot
in a loop :wtf:
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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by BillyGoat »

tombarry wrote:Somebody I know does the same thing and turn's off from mains rather than waiting to shut down -
has the same problem too now
Not had a look at it but doing a quick google
Could be various updates are being d/loaded then lost as not saved then reupdated on reboot
in a loop :wtf:
I do this daily - no such problems :)

Lots of good suggestions, but nobody has asked the vital question - WHAT is it looking for on the net?

You can't solve a problem unless you know what it is.

Does it give you more information, does it give any errors or warnings or does it just close?

If there is no indication of WHAT it is doing, then you can check the error logs. It's the SYSYTEM log you would be most interest in and APPLICATION. Check as soon as it's started up and ready to use.

It might indicate a problem with the system, drivers, etc.

If there is nothing there - it's more than likely a problem with something loading AFTER the system, like a service or application (this includes the like of spyware, etc - things you do not want).

In which case, it narrows the field down and allows advice to be given towards a resolution.

In answer to the memory question, do it. You will benefit short and long term if you plan to keep the laptop. It will make the machine faster overall.

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Re: Acer laptop on Win XP.

Post by dave_39 »

Have you tried Ctrl+alt+delete to see what is running?
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