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Post by northwales4u »

Anyone else not too keen on injections? I'm due to be working down the Middle East in the summer and have been sent my inoculation list and its huge!

Last time I saw a needle was when I went for a blood test to get my driving licence back of HRH the Queen. Wife dropped me off at the surgery and said she would pick me up in half an hour. I was amazed when I walked out of the nurses office without passing out once. When I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the wifey, I suddenly realised I was going to go and the young lady asked me if I was OK and I told her I think I am about to pass out. So she grabbed me and said she would support me if I did. When I came to and opened my eyes all I could see through the cleavage of the young lady was the wife with her hands on her hips with a face like thunder.

Other people seem to take them no problem - my mum had just had a gold card off the blood doner people
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Re: Injections

Post by village idiot »

no problem with needles, silver badge for blood donation & a good attendance record at Hairmyers casualty dept
when I was 30 I went for a tetanus booster & the nurse refused to give me one stating that most people had 5 in a lifetime & by that time I'd already had 7, moved house & ended up at A&E and the first thing they did was stick a needle in me, that was over 10 years ago, must ask sometime if they think I need a top up :lol:
i love being married
it's great to find that one special person that you want to annoy for the rest of your life

I have a soft spot for the wife, it's a peat bog just outside Ardross

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Re: Injections

Post by ayjay »

Injections don't bother me, not had many anyway, a few tetanus jabs and regular blood donors.

One thing with needles I'll never forget and it's the only time I've ever felt squeamish we were shown a film about teeth/dentistry stuff while I was at school - the screen was about 8'0" wide and one part of the film showed a gum being injected - the mouth filled the screen - the needle looked about 6" in diameter - you saw it push against the flesh for what seemed to be an incredible distance before suddenly penetrating the gum - it was 50 years ago but is still vivid in my memory. :shock:

Nearly, but not quite :puke: :mrgreen:
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Re: Injections

Post by joinerjohn »

Injections don't bother me. I don't particularly care for blood sugar tests where they prick your finger/thumb though. Unlike ayjay, I can quite happily watch someone being injected almost anywhere on their body,,,, But one video I couldn't watch all the way through was a video of an ingrown toenail removal. The bit where the surgeon dug this sharp pointy thing down the side of the toenail,,,,,, :puke: ,,,,, even typing about it makes me squeamish.
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Re: Injections

Post by Someone-Else »

Could be worse northwales4u, you could go for "the snip" they inject you twice. (and its not in the arm )
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Re: Injections

Post by ultimatehandyman »

Injections don’t bother me, but I would not like one in the eyeball.

I would not like to have to inject myself though.

I had one in my big toe a few years back, just before the doctor pulled my in growing toe nail off. The injection did not hurt much and it was a real relief once the nail was ripped off.
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Re: Injections

Post by northwales4u »

someone-else wrote:Could be worse northwales4u, you could go for "the snip" they inject you twice. (and its not in the arm )
My ex wife had tonnes of stuff up with her (despite being size 6 and well fit) and she even had to wear a heart monitor on our wedding day. Anyway because of he conditions, she did try and tell me but m eyes glazed over after a bit, either she would have to go for the womans thing or I would have to go for the snip otherwise Durex sales would sky rocket. Anyway I got the short straw and because I had to be Duncan Goodhew downstairs I told her that because its her fault she would have to do the deed with the Mach 3s.

Got to the clinic, on the slab with my pants by ankles and the ginger haired 'surgeon' (use that term loosely) took one look at my Queen Jewels and said "you ain't done a good job there" and pulled out the rustiest, oldest cheap Bic razor and set to work down there - after that I didnt care if he ripped me apart using a rubber chicken
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Re: Injections

Post by Gadget »

I have no problems with needles, hospital early last year (heart attack) and they stuck needles in me at least twice a day to take blood samples.
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Re: Injections

Post by scot-canuck »

I'm not too bad now with needles....dentists ones I dislike as the adrenaline in the anaesthetic makes my heart rate go mad and I get the shakes from it.

The worst was an op I had down there, Dr who struggled with the basics of English and seemingly STOP wasn't in his vocabulary as he stuck another needle in right after.... ...that or he was annoyed because I refused a general to make sure he didn't screw up..and if I could have gotten up without risking an accidental amputation...he would have gotten the favour returned. :cussing: :cussing:..and I've always believed I wouldn't wake up from a general....I suggested to his boss that painkillers before the anaesthesia would be a good idea....his evidence...would need a major clinical trial.... :wtf: injection hurts like mad, painkillers would stop it hurting....and Drs claim they are bright.....I have my doubts....
Worst part was when I was about to be discharged about an hour later...still sitting on the surgical pad, got up, looked round and almost hit the deck...a lot of blood showing on the pad, nurse whipped it away and told me to sit down as I seemingly went white as a sheet......
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Re: Injections

Post by ayjay »

joinerjohn wrote:. Unlike ayjay, I can quite happily watch someone being injected almost anywhere on their body,,,, .
You must have misunderstood something I didn't say. :lol:
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Re: Injections

Post by royaloakcarpentry »

No problem with needles.......on me, me using them on me, or me on other people.

We had a US army medic volunteer to have a Fast One demonstrated on him. Luckily, that is one thing I never needed to get out of my kit and use.
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Re: Injections

Post by Cannyfixit »

Injections dont bother me,what scares me are hospitals and dentists,day before dentists i am like a quivering wreck,fortunately i have only had one stay in hospital,but even visiting someone i get a dry mouth and anxiety I can only do about 30 minutes before i need to get outside and calm down
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Re: Injections

Post by BillyGoat »

Try going to A&E with my missis. Last time was TOTALLY not my fault - a broken mirror literally sliced into the back on my leg, looked like a chicken breast had been cut open. I was oblivious - it's only when my missis was screaming and waving her arms about that I was bleeding all over the place I knew!! Clean cut!

Got to hospital and the woman stuck a needle in to numb it while they stuck 10+ stitches in....missis went white and the nurse stuck the need into my leg and left it hanging out while she want to look after her!!!

Still....gave me opportunity to take some pictures. Mmmm chicken.

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Re: Injections

Post by BillyGoat »

Chicken, anyone?????

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Injections

Post by wine~o »

Merely a scratch, Dear boy.....

(waits for Rich-Ando's pic.....)
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