Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

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Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by BillyGoat »

Had a call from a mate this morning who had been to someone's house, as they had accused them of stopping their Virgin wireless working - they were using the standard supplied Superhub.

Oddly, as I had just arrived the in-laws and noticed their wireless network was also missing. They too were using the super hub!

Plugged a cable into the laptop and the hub (any of the 1-4 ports). Internet is OK.

The blue wireless light is also off on the hub.

The fix.....

While connected by wire, open a web browser and type the following address:

Code: Select all
This will take you to the superhub page.
hib1.JPG (102.67 KiB) Viewed 5677 times
enter the following:

Code: Select all

Username:   admin
Password:    changeme
click the Sign In button and OK to the warning that pops up.

Next, click on the big WIFI button.
hub2.JPG (143.41 KiB) Viewed 5677 times
You will notice WiFi is OFF. click the ON button.
hub3.JPG (81.6 KiB) Viewed 5677 times

Wait - normal wireless service will resume!

Weird, ey!!!

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by nick200 »

Thanks BG we are with Virgin and if we have any problems we now know what to do.

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by Megaross »

The superhub is a crap router, you've got more than 3 people doing light browsing on it, it can't cope.
And it seems to be regardless of whether you use it in modem mode with a decent router or as it stands so it's even more of a headache.

Usually find if all else fails factory reset works, but then that wipes the port forwarding and custom settings... all a bit of a headache.
I shudder to think how much broadband companies would save in the long run if they distributed reliable routers as standard.

Wait, it's operating on channel 9? Thats obscure, always thought it was 1, 6 or 11 , or 3 in some cases for best results.
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by BillyGoat »

To be fair to the thing, it's hardly given me any problems. I get good speed, low latency pings and it doesn't crash or restart.

I think it's on 9 because of the amount of networks around me......I used my other laptop for this, but my desktop can see about 6 more on top!! When I get my new office done, all my computers will be cabled and the rest will be using 5GHz wireless - no more hassle!
networks.JPG (212.02 KiB) Viewed 5580 times
I tell you what, the thing that crashes MOST routers is PTP and filesharing networks. The amount of times people say router X or Y is crap when it's simply the traffic. They flood the routing table with thousands upon thousands of simulations connections and it will slow down, crash, drop packets, lurch from page to page and increase latency.

If you want something reliable, get an old pc, couple of networks cards and stick a server OS with routing enabled OR a free Linux distro that does the same - there are many that boot from a DVD or CF card, if you want. Try crashing one of it doesn't happen!

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by warmadmax »

i'm with you on all that BG,
got superhub at mine, run it on 5ghz and i've got another netgear router looped into it to do 2.4ghz.

the wireless range on the superhub is frankly below par, when i was using it in 2.4ghz mode it wasn't as good as the seperate netgear (even with the usual chatter and moving channels).
but next to no-one uses 5ghz, so it's ideal if you've got anything that can use 5ghz,
if not, virgin media do sell a netgear dual band usb adapter, its shows up as netgear 3200, does N mode as well, not bad for a £10 or less on ebay

I think there is a way to turn the wireless on or off via the big "virgin media" button on the superhub, though i can't remember for the life of me how,
i know if you hold it down long enough, it'll start flashing purple and blue and goes into WPS mode so no need to dig the wifi password out (even if it is on the label round back :roll: )
it might be you keep holding it down and it'll go off completely, that'd save you going into the admin panel if you can't physically log in.

My pc's hooked up via cable to the hub, but while i was redoing bathroom floor it ran off 5ghz wifi pretty well :thumbright:
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by warmadmax »

found it, ... -help.html

bottom two items,
the virgin media button, if it's not lit up, wireless is disabled

hold it for 6 seconds to turn wireless on or off

hold it for 2 seconds to start WPS connection, it'll blink red and blue, then try connecting via WPS on the device
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by BillyGoat »

Top banana....learn summin' new everyday.

:salute: :thumbleft:
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by Cannyfixit »

Our VM Broadband has been off all night,of course the mood Mrs Canny is in its all my fault ::b ::b used my phone to check service status and there was a problem in our area :cb :cb
eta for the fix was 1am tomorrow it came back on 30 minutes ago :cheers:
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by RichieP »

We got a new superhub a couple of months ago.

Once it was set up I moved it to behind the TV cabinet and it went off. I couldn't get it to come back on so I phoned up to complain. "Only had it half an hour!" I moaned.

Then I realised there's a small on/off button underneath I'd accidentally pressed :oops:
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by royaloakcarpentry »

We got changed to a superhub and told we wouldn't need our router. So chucked it.

Wife went to use her computer upstairs when she was unwell and couldn't get the internet.

F*ckiing thing is not capable of sending a wireless signal if there is a wall in the way.
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by warmadmax »

If it's upstair , try tipping it over,
Pretty sure it's longer range sideways than vertically.
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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by Cannyfixit »

We had ours installed in the back room upstairs we used to have a desktop pc , we now use our phones or the laptop so need to have the hub in there.Can I move the VM hub downstairs,we have a box behind the tv with 2 ports one is connected to the tv the other is doing nothing

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by BillyGoat »

Yes - move it, no problem. :thumbright:

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by Cannyfixit »

BillyGoat wrote:Yes - move it, no problem. :thumbright:

Cheers BG, it will help when I get relegated to the spare room on occasions lol them flashing lights are annoying

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Re: Virgin Media wireless not working anymore?

Post by BillyGoat »

Just stick some black tape over's what I do! :lol:

Why they have to put blue flashing lights on everything these days is beyond me - I had a video player that had a VERY directional blue light on the front.....if you happened to look directly one, you could see floating black blobs for ages after. That got the wirecutter treatment..... :lol:

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