Laptop to projector Question

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Re: Laptop to projector Question

Post by dewaltdisney »

And again Bill, I hate those bloody transition effects and it is just a slide show. I can recall we used to play bullshit bingo on training courses where you had a list of buzz words and phrases that were used by the ponces who did the training. You know 'lets parachute in on this' and b*llocks like that. Whoever crossed off their list first won the pot we all chipped into. It was very hard to resist shouting 'Bingo' when you won. :lol:

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Re: Laptop to projector Question

Post by dewaltdisney »

It all went very well. The PJ had a range of input types and as my HDMI lead was the longest length I had, I used that. Plugged it in and my laptop set it all up on its own and I just called the PP presentation doc up and off it went. The audience were alert and interested and my 15 minute slot ran out to about a half an hour with questions so I felt that was good.

Nice meal too, and an interesting chat over dinner on a range of subjects which was enjoyable.

Thanks all for your input :thumbright:

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Re: Laptop to projector Question

Post by wine~o »

Glad it went Ok DWD

Those Rotarians aren't all as "Fuddy Duddy" as some would make out...I've been to a few Rotary events that were....a scream..

Ahhh "a night with Miss Givings"..
Verwood Handyman


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