BillyGoat wrote:Chemfree,
Safemode runs with reduced, non essential services and startup applicactions - it's not designed to run like this permanantly.
You really should just bite the bullet and either reinstall the operating system or get someone to do it for you.
It reaches a stage where you need to consider how bad has the infection become - to me, it sounds pretty terminal. Can you REALLY be sure that everything has been removed?
Backup your data, reinstall the OS, install AV software and scan the backed up data before putting it back, update your passwords and use your PC as it's meant.
I know there has been some good applications posted, but sometimes it's like sticking a bandaid on a lost leg.
I was merrily typing away and trying to replicate the layout of the Malware scan readouts I`m getting,so missed your message pre doing mine.
I`m like a dog with a bone now that I`ve had so much success with wine-o`s Malware.... so onwards and forwards in that vein,for now.
Funny you should mention the sticking plaster on a missing leg analogy....Luckily haven`t got to that stage personally,although I have a dodgy leg I`m working on at the moment.Three traumas incl the latest(3yrs ago)...a dog bite behind knee which has damaged a nerve(according to physio),but I suspect tendon damage. Beagles don`t like me:cussing: All other dogs fine.