Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

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Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Wes »

Not the best place to drag an article from but here it is anyway

So it's looking like anyone with over 100,000 euro's in the bank are going to have around 30% swiped off them by the government.

In my eye's this is just absolute state theft and most observers are saying this is crossing a line, which is blatantly obvious. I read the other day a write up by Theo Popadobalis (dragon's den guy) that he felt this was just a well orchestrated practice run and a way for the people in power to really gauge what they can get away with. Sounds right on the money for me.

So any thoughts on this bank rape (for want of a better word) anyone? Can we see this becoming a trend further down the line? It stinks to high heaven to me but interested in your thoughts...I know KE might have a few words :-)
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by kellys_eye »

Wes wrote:...I know KE might have a few words :-)
Who..... me? :lol:

Sometimes the actions of the EU and bankers are so plain and in-your-face it hardly needs comment from me to illustrate the fact.

My own thoughts run along the lines of - if the banks can take 30% of YOUR money without so much as a by-your-leave then people who OWE banks (that have failed) any money should NOT have to repay it (Laiki Bank is, apparently, to be wound up). Fair's fair?
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by root »

at the beginning of last week they were looking at a 6bn bailout. now its 10bn ?
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Wes »

It just beggars belief :? The people of Cyprus are basically being told by their own government that the financial sectors flip ups are going to result in their bank accounts being raided, so the money raised can be used to secure more lending...I'm pretty sure these bailouts aren't freebies...They'll have a payback percentage attached (I'm probably stating the obvious there)..

People that have less than 100,000 euro's aren't in the clear either..I believe they'll be hit for around 6% of their savings!!

Imaging Cameron saying this to us.."erm...right on Monday morning we're going to have to dip your bank accounts big time, sorry, but there you go" :shock:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by root »

good luck with my bank account, nothing in the fu*&% thing
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Wes »

Well they can have 6 quid of my money to, as long as they just decide there going to take it without asking, why not :lol:

I so hope the Cypriot people take to them streets and kick a@se! If it was me and if I had a strand of hair on my head, I'd be pulling it out!!

Welcome back by the way Root :thumbright:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by kellys_eye »

root wrote:at the beginning of last week they were looking at a 6bn bailout. now its 10bn ?
Cyprus actually need 16Bn in total to stay liquid - 10Bn was guaranteed to them from the EU provided they came up with the other 6Bn hence the 'haircut' on personal bank accounts.

As it happens, personal bank deposits were 'guaranteed' (up to 100k that is...) so in reality couldn't be touched BUT they claimed the haircut was a TAX which is allowed under individual countries rights so that's ok then..... :roll:

Cyprus has set a prescendent with this 'tax' and now Spanish banks are going to tax ALL private accounts at 0.2%...... the amount of this tax is irrelevant, it's still theft by any name.

What this is going to do is cause a RAPID loss of faith in banking - no one would put money into a Spanish bank knowing they will lose a percentage (negative interest? yet the Bank of England are actually considering this here in the UK too :shock: ).

All the signs are there: the EU sanction (indeed FORCED Cyprus) theft of personal deposits, Spain are introducing it, the Bank of England were considering it (at their last interest rate meeting)..... what more evidence is required to see that the wheels are coming off the wagon? If you have savings then you really need to move them OUT of any EU or UK bank at the risk of the banksters taking their cut without even asking. Spend it, move it or LOSE IT.

The only way this can end is in tragedy and uprising - I can't imagine the Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Irish etc just sitting back and allowing (effectively Germany) the EU to just steal their money - can you?
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Bikergirl »

I agree- they're just seeing what will happen when they legitimise theft. Makes you wonder why anyone puts their money in a bank. Wouldn't know, as I never have any!

Looks like anyone with less than 110k in the bank will get away with it, but it doesn't bode well for Russian- EU relationships.

I'm just being thankful we're not part of the Euro. I don't think leaving the EU would be a good idea, but I'm glad we're not all the way in, either.
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by big-all »

its criminal to take peoples money just because its easy
its wrong to punish people for being prudent :shock:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Wes »

K_E wrote:Cyprus has set a prescendent with this 'tax' and now Spanish banks are going to tax ALL private accounts at 0.2%

All the signs are there: the EU sanction (indeed FORCED Cyprus) theft of personal deposits, Spain are introducing it, the Bank of England were considering it (at their last interest rate meeting)..... what more evidence is required to see that the wheels are coming off the wagon? If you have savings then you really need to move them OUT of any EU or UK bank at the risk of the banksters taking their cut without even asking. Spend it, move it or LOSE IT.
That's all news to me and very concerning if it's true. Not that I'm saying your talking fluff KE. I'll just have to find it out myself, but saying that, who's telling the truth now-a-days, please someone tell me :shock: I can see for the next few evening I'll have my head stuck in wikileaks :lol:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by dandan »

It isn't good and I would be livid if it happened to the little bit in my bank account.

I read an article over the weekend and it was talking about there being more to it than we are being told. The guy who wrote the article seemed to think it is essentially a way of the Germans sticking 2 fingers up to the Russians.

It said Cyprus have a very lax attitude to where the money has come from and as long as you buy property in Cyprus for over £270k odd, they give you automatic EU residency. A lot of Russians have apparently set themselves up in Cyprus and are keeping a lot of dirty money there in case things go wrong in Russia and they need to get out quickly.

The EU (mostly Germany) have never been happy with this but until now, have had no way to stop it.

Could all be b*llocks, but this was the general idea and make sense to me.
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by kellys_eye »


Basic facts of life are that WE are not in control. Democracy is effectively dead and we're being railroaded on a course set by others. Our interests are not going to be served AT ALL. Your money is not your own, your needs are not going to be met by any policital process they deem to let you take part in.

There is talk of people stocking up for TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) and even I'm paranoid enough to keep 3 months of food AND have the ability to power/heat myself totally off-grid. I've even read of BANKERS doing it!

Thing is, all the signs are pointing in one direction. There are no encouraging signs of recovery, only desperate efforts to paper-over the cracks and keep the system going as it is for as long as possible - probably just long enough for those in power to cover their arses and shift their wealth to some safe haven.

For example - You can bet your life that (suspiciously) there will be NO members of the Cypriot Government, their friends or relatives who have ANY cash in Laiki bank (the one destined to be wound up). UK property prices are rising (especially in London) as people get rid of cash in favour of assets, artwork, antiques, mega-cars etc. The stock market is booming (and we're supposed to be in recession!) as it's artificially inflated presumably so people can skim off the top just before it collapses.

As far as the UK is concerned even the majority of people can think of a few SIMPLE, quick methods to start a recovery. To name but a few: out of the EU, abandon the CO2/green energy policies, stop overseas aid, close the borders, clamp down on benefits, bring our armies home..... (care to add to the list :lol: ). But will they? Like fcuk. Why?

Because there is an AGENDA - there has to be. Even politicians can't be so fcuking THICK as to fail to see what is happening and what can (easily) be done to fix it. They are not THAT THICK (although we'd like to belive that is the case to offer them some form of excuse) but instead are all part of the system that has been built to steer us on the chosen course. They are all BOUGHT and paid for. Even local Government has been infiltrated - every aspect of our lives is controlled and NO-ONE has been consulted on these changes - were YOU ever asked?

If you want to know how bad it is I recommend you read on-line blogs. Of course, some of them are 'out there' with their conspiracy theories etc but there are enough genuine, fact-filled blogs to reveal that what I'm writing here isn't just b*llocks. I know I rant and some things I say are 'my own thoughts on the processes' and could equally be dismissed as the ravings of a loon (there, I said it :lol: ) but I'm not 'thick' - I'm worried.

The newspapers are also part of the system, bought and paid for to promote the cause. And the BBC? Don't make me laugh. Check out Russia Today for your news and compare and contrast their version to that of the BBC and wonder how communism left Russia and established itself in the UK/EU.

If there was any evidence to point towards a happy ending I'd love to see it. To me the evidence all points in one direction - and we all know how crap one direction are :lol:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by Wes »

KE wrote:I know I rant and some things I say are 'my own thoughts on the processes' and could equally be dismissed as the ravings of a loon
Not at all KE. The more situations like the Cyprus bank rape happen, the more I'm inclined to lean towards the beliefs that you've outlined.

The entire global situation is bordering on ridiculous and laughable if it wasn't so sad, and the people are just sitting back and handing all their rights over to the government criminals...

Even in Britain, we're supposed to be governed by consent but from where I'm standing, nothings looking very consensual to me..

One of our main allies in this whole situation is freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but trust is dwindling as it seems there aren't that many news broadcasters and publishers that show it truly as it is, partly due to there own agendas and the information they're fed..

Wasn't there some tripe about transparency being banded about at the last election :scratch:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by happy handyman »

Kelly' bang on the money....we live in a corrupt society.....the banks have robbed us all and like you say if the government was a business it needs to cut for Cyprus......they are actually robbing them in broad daylight ! The English or British people were hoodwinked.......

Big-all was bang on the money too......greed ..........greedy banks......greedy people..... :cussing:
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Re: Thoughts on the Cyprus bank robbery..

Post by ayjay »

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