In a moment of "desperation" a while ago, I brought a new desktop pc, it comes with windows 8 pre installed.
I really don't use it much as I formatted the hard drive on this one and installed everything again.
(You may recall, some one suggested a gadget to swap monitor / keyboard / mouse between pcs. That is still working)
But windows 8 is really not designed for anything other than a tablet or something with a big touch screen (certainly not phones, Mrs, had one, dumped it, PITA to use on a phone)
I have my windows 8 pc set up as a "normal" pc is (like this one, icons and menus via the desktop) Some times the windows 8 pc will open a "thing" (app ? / programme) and when finished it will not go away, so in desperation I unplug the damn thing.
Today I found out the windows button on the keyboard brings up all the icons. like they would be on a tablet.

I still hate windows 8.
Do you have windows 8 and if so on what, and how do you find it?
I think I read there is going to be a free update for all windows 8 users that puts a start button on it.