Iphone or EE problem

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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by ultimatehandyman »

gas4you wrote:
ultimatehandyman wrote:It's an Iphone 5 - 64GB
Have you updated to ios 6.4.1 yet?
Yes, it has been on the latest version for a few weeks.

My mate tried to call me again yesterday, when I made a phone call it could not connect despite showing 2 bars. I kept trying and then it finally connected, then I received a text saying he had tried to call me.

I think this has been happening for some time as I have had these messages before, but assumed people were calling me when I was driving in the van and could not hear the phone.

Most annoying :cussing:
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by Rickikoska »

A teacher, or the prison, more and more ares are considering the legal use of cell phone jammer, it has been a necessity of our daily life, I have got one from Spammerfromchina for my family. so if you want to get one, you can go and visit it for more details. share with you!

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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by lee5768 »

Tmobile/EE and orange are about the worst service providers out there.

on Tmobile I would have 3 bars and drop calls all the time on orange I would have to hang out of the window to get any reception
couple that with an Iphone the worst phones to actually use as a phone and you're gonna have issues

I recently moved to tesco mobile/ O2 haven't dropped a single call since using the same phone.
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by philprime »

My boss has been having a similar problem to you chez

Same phone same network couldn't get incoming call then couldn't send texts but could send iMessages
Phone would work great on wifi but not 3G signal

After speaking to tmobile the problem turned out to be a fault with the circuit board in the phone
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by CalebMcanelly »

I have an experience to share with you guys. Once I was in a remote place, my signal in my phone got jammed, i thought the problem would be with my service provider. After coming back home i gave black and blues to my customer care highlighting my issue. They pleaded me saying that the problem is not with them. Then i browsed through the search engine regarding my issue, i got a remedy for my cell phone, there i came to know the problem called signal jamming that is experienced in most cell phones. They have a product called cell phone jammer could be very useful to get rid of these problems. Check out the details here cell phone jammer and hope this information would be beneficial. Hope that u would pass this information to all your friends, so that they too would benefited, Stay safe, Cheers
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by ultimatehandyman »

Once my contract has ended with T mobile I will not be renewing.

Recently I was asked by my accountant to change the name on my account to my company name, so I phoned them and they changed it. A month later I get a nasty letter saying I am going to be cut off for non-payment of bill
I ring them up to find that THEY never moved the direct debit over, so I paid via debit card and made sure the direct debit was reinstated.

Next month I get another nasty letter from them saying I will be cut off for non-payment :cussing:

I ring them up again, they say that the direct debit was not in place in time to pay that month’s bill :roll:

Whilst on the phone I ask them why their service is so crap, and I explain about the missed calls and text messages. The woman at the other end clicked something and immediately I got a text message saying I had missed a call from a mate 10 days ago.

I still have problems viewing the internet etc.

Once the contract is up I’m going on PAYG. If it wasn’t for this website I would not even have a mobile phone. These companies are selling services they cannot provide, they should be prosecuted!
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by haeheishman »

Ever heard a device called GPS tracking system and are you afraid of being tracked by it? If you want to prevent this thing happen on you, then you it is an ideal choice to come and start your first step with the gps blocker, then the problem can be easily solved and you can live relaxed.
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by lee5768 »

Admin I recommend tesco mobile

its on the O2 network but far cheaper than O2 and their customer service UK call centres give outstanding customer service.

example would be I emailed them a few weeks ago and they rang me within 5 mins

Tmobile, orange and also 3 are really bad providers

That only leaves vodafone and O2 networks (never used vodafone before)

I get a Sim only 12 month contact 300mins 5000 text and 500MB of data for £7.50 a month
also my misses have the same contract as me, I added her to my account and we both get a choice of bonus each
either more mins, more data or more text

we both went for the talk time and get another 100mins each bringing it to 400mins
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by scot-canuck »

I've been happily with O2 for the last 2 years....except now I'm living in a 3G blackspot and the only provider who gives me a 3G signal locally is....EE....HSDPA everywhere except inside the house (I think the outer skin is high metal content engineered brick or something as its a nightmare to drill into even with TCT drill bits...would explain the crap signal) Though 2G throughout the house...every other network has a dead spot at the bottom of the stairs....
Considered 3...excellent signal outdoors but zero indoors and they refused to discuss a signal booster unless i signed for a contract first....uhhh no.....
Going with a Sim only 12 month business contract so we will see how it goes £12+VAT a month for 750 mins, 250 texts and "unlimited" internet, the business card number tho is staying on a PAYG Tesco mobile sim in an old nokia.
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by BillieSliva »

The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the cell phone jammers has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of wifi jammer as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.
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Re: Iphone or EE problem

Post by TonyCervenka »

The activity of the animal beings has become acutely active everywhere on this earth. Bodies do not get time to booty a blow for a while. With the accretion use of altered gadgets of Gps Jammer, the possibilities of accepting the aboriginal of blow accept absolutely finished. The adaptable phones or the corpuscle phones are some of these accessories that accumulate the bodies consistently in blow with the alfresco world. The adaptable building are additionally accessible about everywhere these canicule and due to this the accessibility of the Cell Phone Jammer has become alike added quick and authentic. Today, you cannot break out of ability of these adaptable building as their signals can bolt your about anywhere. The bearings of bodies who accord to altered business professions has become actual analytical of radio frequency jammer as their authorities bolt them anywhere any moment.
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