Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

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Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by kellys_eye »

Time is running out and a decision needs to be made pdq :?

The new Nexus 7 (main advantage - IMHO - is the 1920x1200 screen on a 7-inch display :shock: ) is looking to be a serious contender in my forthcoming birthday wish list. The Samsung Galaxy Note would have been the other contender but is this now an unfair fight?

My main requirement is for pdf browsing, interweb surfing and Lovefilm. Apps aren't (at the moment) a high priority although I could be convinced otherwise if suggestions were put forward.

Disadvantages are :dunno: (BG mentioned the evil of Google IIRC?)

Can't imagine there are other challengers to the two devices mentioned - unless you know better?

Anyone with opinions on this subject are very, very welcome to join in.

<edit> Just watched a YouTube video comparing the two. The big differences boil down to external storage (nil for Nexus, microSD for Samsung) and price - £200 Nexus £300+ Samsung :shock: - that's a BIG difference for something that's (on paper) poorer spec. Wonder if the Samsung will come down to match?
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by moderator6 »

Dunno about the new model but google for YouTube problems on the old nexus. The buffering makes them almost unusable on that app. You think as they own the damn site they'd be able to sort it out wouldn't you ::b
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by BillyGoat »

I've GOT an old Nexus 7 and strangely I've been using it for Netflix almost everyday, never have ANY issue with buffering - not tried Lovefilm though.

I'd expect the majority of folk don't have the Internet connection to cope or don't understand that their children are torrenting upstairs using the whole of their connection! :lol:

Not to say there might not be an issue, but I doubt any service that solely relied on streaming technology would release an app that didn't function - for long, at least. It's not to be said it doesn't happen from time to time.

Nexus products obviously get updates first and foremost - same can't be said of the Samsung devices without resorting to rooting and custom ROMS, which may or may not cause warranty issues should it need to be returned.

Never used one, but apparently it's based on a reference design of another tablet: ... -cycvoy297 for the cash and screen reviews, it seems a bit too good to be true, but the reviews of it's rebadged friend seem to paint a VERY rosy picture..... Search for pipo M6

I do like my Nexus 7 though, storage has never been an issue for me. When I needed it, I connected a 64GB USB drive to the USB port that had all my films on needed root though, which I had (used stickmount app).

Brother gets his nexus in a few days too.

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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by moderator6 »

It's not the streaming that's the problem BG and I have a 30meg connection anyway :wink:
They seem to forget to keep buffering new data so they run out. It's a really well known problem with that ap
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by BillyGoat »

What you pay for isn't what you always get though Mr Mod6, Kind Sir, Mr Awesome.

I was helping a friend out the other week who had all manner of issues streaming. 60mb service and the superhub. Outside the room it was in, ONE stud wall reduced the throughput down to less than 1mb of throughput and that wasn't reliable enough to do much with - it wasn't the speed, it was the erratic latency.

Done some checking, there were almost 15 broadcasting routers within range. Wired - 60/60/60/60 each time. Tried a few different access points and found one that worked MUCH better (channel changing didn't help). Settled on a few of the things, cabled back to the hub throughout the house.

Be interesting to see a place where it doesn't work......

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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by kellys_eye »

BillyGoat wrote:Never used one, but apparently it's based on a reference design of another tablet: ... -cycvoy297 for the cash and screen reviews, it seems a bit too good to be true, but the reviews of it's rebadged friend seem to paint a VERY rosy picture..... Search for pipo M6
hmmmm, reviews slate the build quality but otherwise it seems ok - I'd prefer a 'named' model purely for the after-market support.
the cloven hooved one wrote:Brother gets his nexus in a few days too.
Any chance you could squeeze a review from him?
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by Cannyfixit »

Had my Nexus 7 for about 3 mths now,only use it for surfing the net in the man cav have watched loads of motorbike videos without any buffering issues (Virgin Media 60 meg)
Have a Samsung note 2 for work thats on 02 might as well be on dial up its that slow,switch to wifi on my virgin connection at home it works a treat
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by Argyll »

I've had the Nexus 7 for about 5 months now. After reviewing several including the ipad I decided on the Nexus and haven't been disappointed.

I've never experienced buffering issues.

Back to back the Nexus and Ipad out do each other on certain features but at £170 for the Nexus 7 32gb you really can't go wrong.

I use mine for work everyday in all weathers and haven't had a minutes problem with it.

When you say the new one. Do you mean the new one with front and rear camera?
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by BillyGoat »

Yarp, 2013!
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Re: Nexus vs Samsung Galaxy Note

Post by Argyll »

Go for the Nexus imo. As for external storage, how much do you need? I have hundreds of documents on my 32gb and it's nowhere near getting full. Plus the fact you can download a program called nexus media importer that lets you read from external sources.
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