I've GOT an old Nexus 7 and strangely I've been using it for Netflix almost everyday, never have ANY issue with buffering - not tried Lovefilm though.
I'd expect the majority of folk don't have the Internet connection to cope or don't understand that their children are torrenting upstairs using the whole of their connection!
Not to say there might not be an issue, but I doubt any service that solely relied on streaming technology would release an app that didn't function - for long, at least. It's not to be said it doesn't happen from time to time.
Nexus products obviously get updates first and foremost - same can't be said of the Samsung devices without resorting to rooting and custom ROMS, which may or may not cause warranty issues should it need to be returned.
Never used one, but apparently it's based on a reference design of another tablet:
http://www.ebuyer.com/524797-sumvision- ... -cycvoy297 for the cash and screen reviews, it seems a bit too good to be true, but the reviews of it's rebadged friend seem to paint a VERY rosy picture..... Search for pipo M6
I do like my Nexus 7 though, storage has never been an issue for me. When I needed it, I connected a 64GB USB drive to the USB port that had all my films on it......it needed root though, which I had (used stickmount app).
Brother gets his nexus in a few days too.