Traders discounts

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Traders discounts

Post by Chris86 »

Mayby the wrong forum, but I was thinking on a thing. How hard is it to get traders card on like Selco, Wicks etc? Im not shure Wicks do them, but Selco does. Does nayone know how the system works? I need to do my kitchen up soon so every little will help.
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Re: Traders discounts

Post by ultimatehandyman »

I didn't even know that Wickes did them :dunno:

After buying my last kitchen from a small independent, I had so much hassle that I'd just go straight to Wickes or B&Q as they are not badly priced, if you can get a discount then good luck :thumbright:
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Re: Traders discounts

Post by elecengineer »

I used company bank statement and debit card to get selco trade card, to get a trade point (b&q) card just showed the selco card, build base card was just a case of asking but still have to negotiate prices with them.
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