Flat rolling a piece of metal

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Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by thenovice »

Hi all,

I am not a metal worker (yet) and have no experience with the tools of the trade. I have seen a lot of rolling devices to roll a bend in a sheet of metal but what I wonder, are there any machines for the "hobbyist" that can flatten out a shaped sheet like a car bonnet into a flat sheet that can be reworked?
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by ayjay »

Off the top of my head: wouldn't a new flat piece of metal be a much cheaper option than a machine to make a flat piece out of a bent piece? :dunno:

If you just want new toys, I'm sure someone will help. :mrgreen:
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by BillyGoat »

If you live near me, I can drop round and sit on it??? :mrgreen:
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by wine~o »

ayjay wrote:Off the top of my head: wouldn't a new flat piece of metal be a much cheaper option than a machine to make a flat piece out of a bent piece? :dunno:

If you just want new toys, I'm sure someone will help. :mrgreen:
Not only that, but rolling out a bent piece to flat will result in a much weaker sheet...

What exactly are you trying to achieve ??
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by Hitch »

Just get a new sheet :?
If you are looking for a hobby sized machine, the sheet you want to use cant be that big, so cost would be minimal...

Sometimes we use our rollers at work for rolling stock back flat following certain fabrication processes.

But not for rolling a bonnet flat. when the steel is shaped, various areas will be stretched by the pressing into shape. To return it back to a flat sheet would take lots of work, not just putting it through a roller. Not to mention having to cut off the strengthening ribs/inner skins etc.

That said, if we put a car bonnet in our rollers at work, it would sort-of flatten it out, perhaps with a similar result to driving over it with a monster truck. :lol: :lol:

What are you trying to do with the sheet after?
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by thenovice »

Hi all,

thanks for the replies. As said, I have no experience with metal working but I pas a car graveyard everyday and thought about all the creative things I could to with the crumpled metal there. some I was thinking of: Ikea hacking: cladding tables with old car parts, a mega slide (would rust though), Fencing, etc...

I just like to reuse things I see and did not know about the limitations of weakening etc...
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Re: Flat rolling a piece of metal

Post by big-all »

watch orange county choppers and boyd coddington hot rods on quest 0900 and 1000am freeveiw 38
they do loads off metal work with sheets and steel sections :lol:
we are all ------------------still learning
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