SDHC cards...

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Re: SDHC cards...

Post by moderator6 »

The card!!!
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work
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Re: SDHC cards...

Post by Icm76 »

wine~o wrote:Spot on, it's an SD card @ 2GB..

But according to the info for the camera it supports up to 32GB SDHC card??
So for the moment it might be safe to accept that the camera is not the problem, the issue is one of file recognition in the laptop.

Are we talking your old old laptop? or the newer Toshiba that you were having trouble with installing Windows to the replacement HDD (did you sort that in the end?) SDHC was announced in Jan 2006, so it's very possible that the card reader built in to the newer laptop could have compatibility issues with SDHC cards. However, the card itself is recognized and will format in the laptop yes?

So, exactly what files are not recognized? the issue might be how the files are given names and extensions in the camera. I'll give you an example: I sometimes use a Panasonic camera which records JPEG images using the extension .JPG (as opposed to .jpg or .jpeg) The all upper case extension is sometimes not recognised when I try to browse images to upload to say imgur or to attach photos to posts here on UHM. The solution is easy - I just rename the files with .jpg in lower case.
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Re: SDHC cards...

Post by Inky Pete »

Can you not plug the camera (with the card installed) into your laptop via USB and try to retrieve the pictures that way?

If that works, then there ain't nothing wrong with either card or camera, and the problem lies with the reader in your laptop.
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Re: SDHC cards...

Post by wine~o »

Icm76 wrote: However, the card itself is recognized and will format in the laptop yes?
Icm76 wrote:
So, exactly what files are not recognized?
They seem to be AVI files.. but some import OK and others say they can't be imported..

Still with Win 7 with some help from Billy-Goat.. :dunno: what he did....I just downloaded teamplayer and let him do his stuff..

I have *Most* of the files back... :?
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Re: SDHC cards...

Post by wine~o »

Just to put this to bed, took the card back to Morrisons for a replacement, they had run out of the clearance cards with the (10) rating so got a replacement and refund of the difference for a card with a (4) rating.

Asked the girl at the customer service desk to remove the security tag with a pair of scissors (No magnet involved)

All now working..
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