I really need a couple of cuts done through 1" Steel rods and was wondering what the best way to do it would be..?
The cuts don't have to be perfect but preferably not left in a dangerous state (they aren't going into an engine or anything like). I've desperately tried searching for engineering firms around my area which would do a couple of cuts but quite simply can't find any local ones... (I live between London and Kent).
I'd be happy to attempt cutting them myself with hand tools if it can be done without ruining hundreds of blades (quite a novice but my Dad is handy enough) but was ideally looking for a certain type of manufacturers or merchants which have something industrial set up which I could pay a couple of quid to do instead (helping the economy and all...)

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated and I can narrow down my address if somebody knows of somewhere which might be able to help me, but just wanted to see what you professionals said first..?
Thanks in advance everyone