Well the new one munched through the same test file in 48 mins which was ok but I did kind of expect more

We're talking 3970X extreme hexacore i7 processor with hyperthreading. Two 250GB SSD's in raid 0 and 4 3TB barracudas in RAID 10. 32GB of Kingston memory, Rampage IV extreme mobo etc, etc
Not to mention the mighty GTX680 GPU with 1536 Cuda cores which are supposed to smash rendering tasks to pieces so whilst it was much faster it didn't really swing my pants.
Then I've just realised that the Cuda function comes locked with the Nvidia cards. You have to download the 'cuda drivers then unlock it

The result??? The same 15 minute clip but with full Luma /Chroma correction imported soundtrack and a load of other effects added now renders in 4 minutes
I don't know whether to be happy or pizzed

PS I could put 3 more GTX's in the rig when the price comes down

Macs'? I cream them