joinerjohn, I assumed you could use the new cloned HD as soon as it is done, but my question still stands. But I will put it another way.
What is the point of moving a load of junk from one box to another if all you are going to do is to fill the new box with more junk.
Devs Ad did say, the only reason he needs a bigger HD is because of all the "junk" his son has put on the computer, having a bigger HD will just mean his son can put more "junk" on the new HD and fill that up too, which takes me back to the original question.
Would it not be a better idea to buy an external HD, move all of the sons (In this case its the son's) stuff onto the External HD, thereby keeping the main HD free, and when the new External HD gets full of videos, buy another one.
If it helps, I have a "dedicated" pc just for video editing.
oh, and what are
gorn and
I can't find either of them in the dictionary.
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Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on
anything electrical without a means of testing
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NOT mean it is safe.

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