Nowadays there is an absolute multitude of different proccessors, busses, BIOSes, Chipsets, etc etc etc and chosing a mobo is becoming a nightmare of "too much choice".
My basic requirement is for low/mid-duty gaming graphics (nothing like the top-end gaming software - I'm keen to play a space simulator or even Flight SimX - HDMI output, average sound.... nothing else particularly required (we tend to be Office and Paintshop Pro/Sketchup users in the main - Mrs k_e does an accounting package and website design). It's been over FIVE YEARS since we had a new PC in the house (other than tablets and 2nd hand lappies

I know I want an SSD HDD and 4 to 8Gb RAM and already have a 2Tb SATA drive to hand for basic data storage and backup (plus a USB3 1Tb external drive) but the motherboard selection leaves me utterly confused.
Whilst some would say 'get the highest performance MOBO you can afford' I still think that would be a waste of money as I can't see our requirement changing much from what I've listed even in the NEXT 5 years or more! No point in spending money on performance I won't ever use.
I've tried to find a 'selector' site but all I get are lists and lists of MOBOs with gobbledegook specs that leave me confused....... so.....
any help??
or is it now the case that purchasing a barebones base unit is cheaper?
or does anyone have one they want to flog?