FFX wrote:
Microsoft in their wisdom have said any dodgy copies of windows 7 /8 will also be able to upgrade to win 10 free - I'm guessing this is to get everyone onto a legal copy so they can apply security upgrades easier and to make sure no-one includes anything extra that is dodgy in the copy.
Also incorrect Ian and debunked by Microsoft directly. It was media confusion.
"They" will get the update notification via Windows Update. "They" can update to 10, but "they" cannot activate their computers - ergo, still unlicensed, still pirated and limited in use.
Not the final press release, but you get the idea....
https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperi ... indows-10/
Microsoft and our OEM partners know that many consumers are unwitting victims of piracy, and with Windows 10, we would like all of our customers to move forward with us together. While our free offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will not apply to Non-Genuine Windows devices (read: you were a "victim of piracy before and will be after"), and as we’ve always done, we will continue to offer Windows 10 to customers running devices in a Non-Genuine state (Read:buy a licence to activate). In addition, in partnership with some of our valued OEM partners, we are planning very attractive Windows 10 upgrade offers for their customers running one of their older devices in a Non-Genuine state. Please stay tuned to learn more from our partners on the specifics of their offers.
If they gave it free, to everyone, could you imagine the uproar to those that purchase and pre-load genuine machines? They would sack it all off and let everyone just get the OS for free. The pre-loading, factory time, experience, staff, shipping, etc, etc isn't free - it's costly!! To give it free to all those who simply "get a copy off the net" would be an insult to genuine users worldwide.