We've seen recent reports of 'smart meters' being responsible for not-so-smart readings that have left some owners wondering why they've received bills in the thousands of pounds instead of their average normal usage. Well researchers in the Netherlands have been testing smart meters for accuracy and found that errors range from -32% to +582%
Conveniently (???) the error on the side of the CONSUMER is the lousy 32% (not to be sniffed at anyway) but the error on the side of the supplier is a massive 600%.
Apparently this turns out to be related to 'pulses' on the load (consumer) side as may be generated by dimmers, energy saving light bulbs and LEDs.
Although the article deals with smart meters in the Netherlands there is no reason to belive that such errors wouldn't be applicable to UK-built meters too.
About time someone did similar tests here in the UK eh??
Either way, if the meters can be made to read in the consumers benefit then expect some 'power-saving devices' to appear on the market shortly
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/h ... 0-percent/
Of course, the regulatory authorities in the Netherlands had to respond and the article finishes with an update that states:
Of course, the 'energy saving devices' that most people use are sourced from.... ta dah... China - where CE certification (on allowable EM limits) is awarded by the company that prints the labels.... so prepare to see a ban on any Chinese-made energy-saving devices.....UPDATE [March 27, 2017]: ESMIG, which describes itself as |the European voice of the providers of smart energy solutions" has published research that disputes the findings of the Dutch researchers. Here are their main conclusions :
The electromagnetic interference phenomena created in the tests of the University of Twente grossly exceed emissions limits allowable under EU regulation for equipment typically used in households.
These conditions would not be found in any imaginable normal household scenario.
There is no reason to question smart metering technology.
As to whether or not these conditions 'would not be found in any normal household' and 'there's no reason to question smart metering technology'............ yeah..... RIGHT they would say that, wouldn't they?