Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

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Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by Grumps »

The problem. We have a steel door within a roller shutter door. Great when the weather is fine but, when it is windy, if left open, it catches the wind and slams back and forth to the extent that a hinge has to be re-welded every 18 months or so.

Hence, in windy conditions, it has to be kept bolted, which is an inconvenience. I've looked at 'Suffolk' type latches but, I don't think they'd last too long. I'm thinking of something more 'sturdier'.

I've got in mind something along the lines of a 3-4mm thick plate which pivots relative to a 'keep', and is operated from either side by a protruding [6mm] round bar (welded through the plate) which travels within a slot cut into the door.

I'm reminded of something that I have seen in Farmyard applications, both in metal and in wood, but of a more agricultural construction.

I've got a number of people who could make it. I'm just carp at explaining it without some sort of illustration. :roll:
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by ayjay »

What you're describing seems to be a sort of cross between a *Turn Button* and a *Barrel Bolt*.

This one below is a *Marine door latch*, not sure if it's what you're after, but it's a start.
Stainless-steel-door-latch.jpg (91.42 KiB) Viewed 4513 times
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by Grumps »

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try and explain it better.


Above shows a standard Suffolk Latch with a 'thumb' button operating the lever which lifts from the other side. I want to do away with the thumb button and lever and where the lift button is shown above the arrow to the word Lever, have instead, a through section of round bar that rises and falls within a slot.

This door can, at times by 'high usage' and, as people can be using it from both sides (unaware of the other's presence) I don't want anything where there is a need to put a finger through a hole, etc.

I am curious as to whether there is a specific name for such an arrangement?
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by big-all »

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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by Dave54 »

If it's a wicket gate in an RSD, then isn't anything you put there going to interfere with the operation of the main door?
I haven't had a close look at one of those inset doors, but I'd assume it must be pretty "flat" to roll up with the door.?
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by ayjay »

If there's a latch on it already it could just need some adjustment, I've experienced doors before that blow open in strong winds and usually there's a fault with the latch.

Back to a replacement: it sounds like what you need is a Barrel Bolt but with an extra handle welded on the back of the bolt to be operated from the other side of the door.

Or, you could always fancy it up with an electromagnetic catch, and a release on each side. :mrgreen:
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by Grumps »

This door is not the 'roll up' type. It is mounted in its own frame and when the RSD is opened, the frame (with the door) can be opened on its [the frame's] own hinges.
I thought about a Ring Latch but that brings me back to the situation where two people are approaching the door from opposite sides. One swiftly turns the Ring whilst the other person is reaching for the Ring on their side and experiences an 'Ouch!' moment. Not exactly an 'injury', but enough to leave the fingers tingling for a few minutes.

Let me try and explain it in the context of a domestic internal door with Lever handles. Two people approach from opposite sides. One person is about to push down the handle when it suddenly descends, having been pushed down momentarily before by the person the other side [of the door]. The first person, who 'thought' they were about to push down on the handle, just 'pushes down' on fresh air. No conflict of function and no [obvious] chance of injury - unless one gets the door opened into their face :-) - but that's a different matter.

What I am looking at to achieve a similar objective, but in a vertical plane [rather than rotational] so that if one person, on one side, bends their finger to lift the 'lever' [as per the image] then that lever 'knob' extends [through a vertical slot] to the other side whereby, should there be someone there carrying out the same action, their movements are not in conflict.

The door already has a Barrel Bolt, which will be retained as it has nibs and padlock holes. The problem with a[nother] Barrel Bolt, even if spring loaded, would be that there would be a reliance, on any person passing through the door, to then re-engage the Bolt whereas, with a Suffolk/Norfolk type latch [modified], once properly set, just swinging it closed engages the latch.

Thanks all.
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by big-all »

there is usually enough slack with ring latches for the other side to move very little
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Re: Is there a name for the type of latch I'm looking for?

Post by ayjay »

Grumps wrote:
The door already has a Barrel Bolt, which will be retained as it has nibs and padlock holes. The problem with a[nother] Barrel Bolt, even if spring loaded, would be that there would be a reliance, on any person passing through the door, to then re-engage the Bolt whereas, with a Suffolk/Norfolk type latch [modified], once properly set, just swinging it closed engages the latch.

Thanks all.
Does the door have a latch of any sort already, or do you rely on the barrel bolt being shot home to keep it closed?

If it has no latch, just fit a Suffolk latch, properly set it'll do the job: put a closer on it as well if you like, even if it's just a Gate Spring.

Unless you have a very high footfall through the door, the chances of two people coming from opposite sides and connecting with the latch at the exact same moment are pretty remote. If that's a genuine possibility you could fit a glazed panel in the door.
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