door canopy

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door canopy

Post by Torchy »

Hi can anyone help. I want to fit a canopy with a slope to the front of my house, spanning over the front door and a bay window. It will need to be about 6.5 metres long. The bay window has a flat roof and I need the under side of the canopy to marry up with it. I'm not sure which style of bracket would give the best support. If I used 100x 75 timber do you think it will be overkill, I do want it to look substantial.
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Post by Teabag »

Made some of these before when at college, for the lecturers home.
cant recall the dimensions used as it was along time ago... but what I've suggested below was pretty much what I recall doing.
you see them on many homes for the same application, a 90* bracket. mortice n tennon joint. with a diagnal brace again mortice n tennon'd so it cant spread under load.
Timber size, 100 x 75 to create the "L" widest section being the part that would bolt to the wall and support above. I personally would use larger for the diagnal, by glueing these together, giving you 100 x 150 for the diagnol brace using cascamite (cant recall if spelling is correct while im posting), then you could cut a decorative shape similar to this bracket -------> } and it will look much nicer too.
remember the part coming down the wall needs to be longer than the support for the above, and the diagnal brace angle must 45* to give effective load support.
the other thing I would personally do is have a brick support coming out of the wall for the bracket to rest on to prevent "sheering" of the fixings.
due to downward forces of weight. best ask advice in the appropriate area for that tho.

hope it helps
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