Kitchen damp on 1 side of window

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Kitchen damp on 1 side of window

Post by nicktea »

Hello everyone!

I have discovered damp on 1 side of a window in my kitchen. It's quite close to the hob so I think it might have been caused from years of cooking rice / pasta without the window open. Today I pulled the wall paper off and underneath, there were little bits of damp. I wonder if it's just on the left as that's the side of the window that opens (therefore, where the most moisture passes in / out during cooking when it's open.

We've had fairly heavy and consistent rain recently so I'm slightly nervous as to what may have caused it. It's quite off that there are no signs of damp anywhere else in the room, just this 1 side of the window.

After looking outside, checking the guttering, checking the room above...etc. everything seems to be in order. The vent above the window was shut (not sure how long it's been like that) so I've now opened it to allow some ventilation.

I'm no expert, but could this simply be caused by cooking without any ventilation?

Thanks in advance!!
Nick :)
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Kitchen damp on 1 side of window

Post by oz0707 »

Yeh I'd say ventilation is your problem. Found a similar thing in bathroom this week cleaned with bleach and water. Might get a small dehumidifier while I'm here
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