Plaster falling off following damp

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Plaster falling off following damp

Post by mrmeanor »


I have a house under offer which is probably pre-ww2, i'm having a survey done but in the meantime thought i'd post here.

In 2 corners of the downstairs living room plaster is falling off presumably from damp in the past, although it doesnt feel damp now and there is no other evidence of damp either coming down the walls or from beneath (floor and carpet is bone dry)

On closer inspection, I picked away at it a bit expecting to see brickwork under the plaster which i was originally planning on stripping off up to waist height, but the inner layer of brickwork only comes up to about shin level. Above this (and behind the plaster layers) is a brittle clay-like material which i can only assume is adhered to the outer layer of brickwork which continues up the house (otherwise the house would fall down!).

Any ideas what this material is, is it standard material for walls to be made of? Would this all need to be taken off and re-applied? I've attached a couple of photos.

Many thanks
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Plaster falling off following damp

Post by toolbox »

Might be cob or similar construction method, may be considered non standard construction today. Email your surveyor the pic and see what he says. Could be difficult to get a loan on.
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