Tiny leak at corner of window

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Tiny leak at corner of window

Post by matthewm »


We have been renovating and had all new plaster done in front room. After first winter and strong rains salt deposits started to form around the corner of the windows. We had the outside rerendered and the salts have stopped appearing and no more damp window seals.

After waiting to make sure no more problems I removed the salts and the paint around the damaged areas and put new plaster on the areas before painting.

After more heavy rain everything appeared fine, no more salts and no more large damp patches, but there are two very small leaks that seem to be coming through still from somewhere.

When I first scraped back the paint before re plastering the corners the area were the leaks are now where very mushy and wet, originally when we first stripped the house back the two corners had huge blobs of rubber / silicone in those areas behind the wallpaper. They where removed and plaster was filled in those holes.

Im wondering if its possible to dig out the areas where the leak is and seal it from the inside? Could I use expanding foam in the area and then filler over it? Or try and squeeze loads of silicone in there and then plaster?

I have attached two pictures of the current leaky areas and an original photo showing the hole after the original rubber plug was removed from the corner.
leaky corner 1
leaky corner 1
IMG_20200114_232901.jpg (143.53 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
leaky corner 2
leaky corner 2
IMG_20200114_232846.jpg (191.6 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
original wall before plastering with rubber removed
original wall before plastering with rubber removed
closeup[1].png (436.42 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
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Tiny leak at corner of window

Post by toolbox »

Check the seal along the outside top of the window not unusual for water to run down inside the UPVC frame.
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