Water damage from where?

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Water damage from where?

Post by EM999 »

Hello, I hope someone can help.

there was a leak in my flat from the corridor outside my home that caused months of condensation and this step was soaking wet. The builders from insurance have decided from another picture that this was not caused from the condensation but water from outside the door. So they won’t start work until I’ve addressed the leak from outside but the area is dry now no water since they dried out the room. Is it not possible it came from the condensation as it expanded at the same time.

Thanks for any help.
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Water damage from where?

Post by Surveyorman »

It looks from this photo that your outside decking is quite high and therefore at risk of bridging the damp proof course. This would be a point of entry for moisture to ingress to this area which I suspect is what the other party are concerned with. The staining that you have on your internal window sill - yes it is possible that this came from condensation as often you can get pooling of freestanding moisture on window sills in houses that suffer condensation issues. I would really need to know a more in order to add any more colour to this situation. Age property? Size? Is the area in the picture on the ground floor?
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