DPM under log cabin?!

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DPM under log cabin?!

Post by SG666 »

Hi all,

The attached screenshots are from the instructions that came with my log cabin. This is pretty much the same as what I’ve done, although my cabin is sitting on a decked base rather than slabs like the photo.

As I’m trying to insulate the cabin (I’ve already had some good advice from a few chaps on here about the walls in a different post) I’m looking at what I can do to the floor before it’s too late as I’ve already installed the boards (N40) but only with a couple of nails in 2 of the floor bearers at present so they can easily be lifted to install insulation between the bearers.

What I wanted to check, was do I need to add a DPM of some sort before the insulation? In hindsight, I expect the best option would have been to install this on the decking before I put the bearers down and build the cabin, but sadly it’s too late for that now so I’m just looking for the next best option that won’t cost the earth!

Any help much appreciated guys!
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DPM under log cabin?!

Post by aeromech3 »

Yes too late for a DPM, but I hope you put a separator under the bearers. If your decked base has air gaps like decking, then you have lost, to some degree, the insulation of the air gap however suspended floors also have air bricks; what you don't want is a wool type insulation which could wick moisture which leaves you with an expensive Celotex product.
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