Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.
The pic is of 3 gang 2 way wiring left and middle are internal light. Right is outside lamp.
Can seem to get the outside light working no matter what I do.
Can anyone help me with correct wiring please
Cheers in advance
EF631DC0-4437-4410-9316-88C716D5175A.jpeg (315.02 KiB) Viewed 1379 times
Last edited by Jimic78 on Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.
From your other post (in the wrong forum) I assume you have changed the switch and did not take a picture first?
Now the bad news. Despite what most people think there is no rule that says "Though shalt use this colour wire for this" since it really is up to the person wiring it what colour does what.
Do the other two lights work as they should? its just that you have a red and yellow in "com" that does not seem right.
As I have said there is no specific colour scheme for a light switch, you are going to have to use trial and error. (And next time take a picture first) I would ask what happens if you move the link (short piece of wire) from where it is in L2 (Next to the blue wire) and put it in Com (with the red wire)
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Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.
The wire colours point to a red, yellow, blue and earth cable, which is likely two way lighting, so all three cores of that cable go to one switch. Since only one black I would assume that is the second switch of a two way system so if you open the other switch to the pair, likely you have red, yellow, blue plus a red black with two wires in the L2 and L3 or if marked com then two wires L1 and L2. What matters is the cable in com or if no com L1 is same colour both ends, swap L1 and L2 when you have a com thermal will swap if switched both in same position or reverse position for on but will still work the com wire is the important wire.
I see three red wires, it seems likely one goes to each switch, you have two going to bottom switch that does not seem right, I would have expected two blacks, see second on a block connector, but it is possible that a line feed is shared so picture a little further back would help and a picture of other switch of the pair.