Damp stack

This Forum is for all questions relating to Rising damp, Penetrating Damp, Basement Drainage, Cracked Masonry and Wall tie replacement.

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Damp stack

Post by elliott75 »

Hi all,

Decorating a new house and we've just uncovered this below some very damp wallpaper. The plaster is pretty sodden.

That wall is where the stack is, just below the roof. I've been outside on the flat roof and there is a crack in the render about knee high. Tomorrow I'm going to try and climb up and look at the flashing around the stack, I think that may be the issue rather than the render.

Does anyone have anything else I should look into before I call in a roofer to have a look?


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Damp stack

Post by wes56 »

Take photos of the render and the crack, and the back gutter and flashing, and the flaunching, pointing or render on the stack.
A photo showing below the window to the floor?
Have a look at the gutter and the roof tiles or slates.
Is there a fireplace in the room below?
Is that a gable wall to the right side?
Any signs of damp in the ceiling below or in the extension?
Was there a survey when you bought the house?
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