Cold spots

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Cold spots

Post by _george »

Hi Maj. Did you ever resolve this issue?

I also have this style of roof. I am renovating a 1920s house with a hipped roof where the rafters intersect the ceilings of the rooms below; so ceilings curve in upstairs rooms where they meet the external walls. I don't have any cold spots as the awkward to get to spaces above are insulated well, but maybe too well. I am noticing condensation on the old felt undersarking and mould is now appearing on rafters.

It doesn't help that I have a small leak near the chimney that's wetting some of the rafters but also I have no soffit vents or tile vents. What course of action did you take to make sure there was enough air flow?

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Cold spots

Post by moderator2 »

_george, Best not to hijack a 3 year old thread. I have split the topic, now please describe you issue in full.

Original thread here if it helps viewtopic.php?f=64&t=91116&p=751427&hil ... ts#p751427
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Cold spots

Post by _george »

I am renovating a 1920s semi-detached house with a hip roof. The rafters intersect the ceilings of the rooms below; so upstairs rooms have curved ceilings on the external walls to accommodate this.

I don't have any signs of cold spots on the curves as there is plenty of insulation in the awkward to get to space above in the loft.. but perhaps too much so that it might obstruct air flow. However there are no running or circular soffit vents of any kind to ventilate from the eaves even if they were unobstructed and I don't have any tile vents in the roof at all.

Away from the curved extremities of the loft space, the main flat area is now insulated and boarded, with a 50mm air gap between insulation and boards. Especialy since heating the house I've noticed a light build up of condensation on the old undersarking; droplets not formed but definitely present in the embossed surface of the felt. Mould growth on the rafters has appeared too. To complicate matters I have a leak where the chimney stack meets the ridge and some of the rafters have become wet.

Obviously the leak needs sorting out but does anyone have any advice on the best course of action where ventilation is concerned?

Thank you
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