I've had this drill since 1988 and never had any problems with it until now...
Sparking from brushes and it's now stopped working. New brushes didn't fix it.
I think the armature needs cleaned (part the brushes run on) but can't get to it.
I've removed the handle (exposes switch and brushes) and the front part (chuck, front body and gears) but can't figure out how to remove the (black) centre section from the main body to expose the armature

I've not missed any screws but the thumb-switch on top of the drill (which changes from drill to hammer-action) seems to be the problem. It turns a shaft which goes down into the bit I want to remove.
It won't pull up and out but I noticed there is a (4mm) roll-pin sitting in the body just off-centre to the shaft.
Am think if you drift the pin inwards (God knows where it will go) the shaft will pull out and the body will come apart.
Any thoughts on this?

this switch seems to prevent drill coming apart

looks like roll-pin holds shaft of switch into drill