GDX 18-V 200/200c??

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GDX 18-V 200/200c??

Post by pompeyjim »

Not sure if I'm supposed to put this here or in the other tool part of the forum (hopefully someone can move if incorrect).

I'm about to buy an impact driver, but Bosch seem to have two different GDX models in their current line up. There's the GDX 18-V 200c which has been around a while but also there's a GDX 18-V 200. On their website it says "new" next to the 200, so does anyone know if this is the replacement to the "c"?

I can't seem to find any info on the differences between the two. One thing I notice is, while they both claim to have 200Nm of torque, the 200 claims to have 350Nm of removal torque. I can't see any figures for the same on the c model.

Only other differences I can see, there is no Bluetooth on the 200 which is fine with me and also there's no speed selector button.

Anyone else have any info on these? I don't want to go and buy the "c" and find out that the 200 is a successor and therefore maybe has better specs. Like I said, I'm not interested in whether I can connect it to my phone, I just want it for driving screws and bolts! Lol.

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GDX 18-V 200/200c??

Post by big-all »

in general a single added letter means very little
"c" may be case or tool box
2+5 can be plus 2x5ah batteries
"N" can mean naked
a new model will be a new number as the tool has added features

yep quick look "c" is with case or may even be cardboard carton :dunno:
we are all ------------------still learning
Jack Berwick
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GDX 18-V 200/200c??

Post by Jack Berwick »

I recently purchased a Bosch GDX18V-200 impact driver from Toolden.
I think it wouldn't be much different, but you can ask their expert and they will guide you.

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