Seized electric mower

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Will Marriot
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Seized electric mower

Post by Will Marriot »

When you press the handle to start the mower it just makes a loud buzz. Pulled the motor out thinking it may just be jammed up with grass or other debris but seems OK. The motor is difficult to turn and clicks when you do manage to rotate it with force. The mower is only a couple of years old but not worth taking to a specialist due to its value. It's a Webb electric mower: ... lawnmower/ Any ideas to the cause? Is it serviceable?
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Seized electric mower

Post by dewaltdisney »

I faced this problem 30 years ago with a Black and Decker mower. I bought a new motor for it and got another season out before the same thing happened. I smashed the b*stard to pieces with a club hammer in a fit of temper. I vowed from that day on not to bother trying to repair as the bloody motor cost a lot and I should have cut my losses. I suspect it is a bearing knackered and the drive shaft is binding. The problem is that a lot of these parts are not easily serviceable as it is probably a Webb badged Chinese made unit.

If you can be arsed, take the belt off and see where it is binding, at least you will know but heed my experience.

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Seized electric mower

Post by Dave54 »

I'd suspect a bearing being shot, possibly collapsed as Walt says.
Couple of bearings are cheap enough off the internet.
As far as anything else in there goes, I'd agree with Walt again.
If it's not an obvious, cheap, and easy fix, then I'd cut my losses.
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Seized electric mower

Post by fin »

its probs the cheapest possible motor set up. id maybe have a look to see but then find that its donald ducked and chuck it in the bin
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