Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS drill

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

Argyll wrote:I use a Bosch 36V cordless almost every day. From time to time the SDS bit does get stuck. The last time it happened I had to jam the bit in a vice and use my body weight to pull the drill. It always comes out eventually.
Thank you, I will try that tomorrow and hopefully it will shift, I just hope I don't break the drill in the process.

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

Cannyfixit wrote:
Argyll wrote:I use a Bosch 36V cordless almost every day. From time to time the SDS bit does get stuck. The last time it happened I had to jam the bit in a vice and use my body weight to pull the drill. It always comes out eventually.
Same as with my 36v Bosch,even though i always grease the bits,find it happens more when using bigger bits like my 16mm,
Maybe it's the amount of pressure I put on the drill that has caused the problem :dunno:

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by Timllfixit »

Have you tried pulling back the collar and tapping the base of the drill bit with a light hammer?
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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

Timllfixit wrote:Have you tried pulling back the collar and tapping the base of the drill bit with a light hammer?
Thanks Tim , I will try that tomorrow

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by Razor »

It's probably a cheap bit and the ends deformed enough to stop it coming out. They can be true up on a grinder or just use a better quality one next time :wink:
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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

Just a quick update, this morning I put the bit in the vice and pulled back the cover and gave the chisel bit a few taps with a hammer all the way around the shaft of the chisel. Then with all my might I pulled and pulled and tapped and tapped , and eventually it came out! :huray:
When I looked at the end of the tool it had a kind of burr on the end that may have stopped it from releasing properly, so I put a little Vaseline on the end of another bit and slid it into the chuck and it slid out no problem ( I didn't have any grease available, but I will get some) .
I don't know much about SDS bits but I'm guessing that the ones supplied with the drill are not good quality.

So now I'm after a small set of drills/chisels that I can use with the drill without them burring over after a short time. I was thinking about getting a set from screwfix but I'm unsure about the quality, does anyone have a suggestion as to what would be a reasonable buy for someone using them for occasional DIY ?

Any help greatly appreciated

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by Hitch »

Have a look at this one... why-cheap-sds-bits-are-bad-t56393.html

Regarding bits, we tend to use a lot of Irwin speedhammer bits at work these days, (as thats what our fixing supplier stocks mostly)
Never had one of them burr up on me yet. Not overly expensive either.
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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

Hitch wrote:Have a look at this one... why-cheap-sds-bits-are-bad-t56393.html

Regarding bits, we tend to use a lot of Irwin speedhammer bits at work these days, (as thats what our fixing supplier stocks mostly)
Never had one of them burr up on me yet. Not overly expensive either.
I'm glad you posted that link, things are so much easier to understand when other folks share their experiences. I have got a grinder so I might give the bits a quick whizz over but I'll only use them as a last resort.

I might just buy the chisels as a single purchase and just buy a set of drill bits that are half decent for everyday use.

Thanks for sharing
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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by fin »

they do state to use grease... tho i often dont bother.

i have a bosch blue and a festool cordless sds.

class drills. way beter thn old skool hammer drills.

occasionally cheap bits can mushroom and become trapped in the drill. possibly it could be that? ive seen it before like
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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by London mike 61 »

fin wrote:they do state to use grease... tho i often dont bother.

i have a bosch blue and a festool cordless sds.

class drills. way beter thn old skool hammer drills.

occasionally cheap bits can mushroom and become trapped in the drill. possibly it could be that? ive seen it before like
The annoying thing is that the end of the bit didn't look really bad but it was blurred over enough to stop it coming out easily and when I tried to reinsert the bit it was really tight. I could understand it sticking if I had used it for a long period or it had repeated use, but this was the very first time I have used it from brand new.
I'm now nervous that in future it will happen again even if I habitually put grease on every time, the reason is that if the end gets burred over it still won't come out of the chuck easily because there isn't much play in the tip of the chuck.
When hammer drilling I don't think it is likely to happen as not much pressure is put on the bit but chiselling is by nature bound to have a greater chance of rounding the end over.

Hopefully better quality bits will lessen the chance of mushrooming.

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Re: Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS d

Post by Timllfixit »

File/grind a chamfer round the top of the driven end of the bit. It might still bur, but it will take longer to do so. Same principle as with bolster chisels.
May be also a dab of weld on the end if you are so inclined or equipped.

Are those "PUNK" ones at Toolstation any good? They don't seem to be too expensive.
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Help! I can't remove a chisel bit from my parkside SDS drill

Post by Jkaa »

Just wanted to thank you for saving my parkside sds drill in 2021. Was just about to replace it, now I’ll just get some decent chisels instead 👍🏽

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