ASUS laptop need advice

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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by caretaker »

Hi Guys
I had a Sony vaio laptop computer 14inch screen and it was outdated and uneconomical to repair and they don’t make Sony vaio laptop anymore.

I am thinking of buying this ASUS laptop for Emails, word document, excel document, picture alteration may be paint and internet by opening few tabs at one go, so would this computer good enough for my everyday use or do I need a 8GB ram and 512 Gb storage.

I save lot of pictures and my personal stuff which may be around 50gb or would i be better off storing it on USB stick by buying 1tb from ebay which are less then £20

Asus Laptop E510MA-EJ592WS this is the option which has 4Gb ram and 128Gb and 15.6 inch screen
Asus Laptop X705MA-BX269W this is the 2nd option but I have to pay another £195 8GB ram and 256Gb and 17.3 inch screen

Your advice really appreciated .
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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by Someone-Else »

The more RAM you have the easier it is for your computer (It doesn't slow down)
Decent quality pictures use a lot of storage, I would NOT get a 1TB stick from ebay, they are known to be fake. (It says it is 1TB but just over writes stuff, videos on YT about it) What I would suggest is an External hard drive (Plug it in like a stick)
hd.jpg (29.04 KiB) Viewed 687 times
Above is my one. Get it from a known shop, not ebay.

At the end of the day, It's up to you and your budget.
Above are my opinions Below is my signature.

Would you hit a nail with a shoe because you don't have a hammer? of course not, then why work on anything electrical without a means of testing Click Here to buy a "tester" just because it works, does NOT mean it is safe.

:mrgreen: If gloom had a voice, it would be me.

:idea1: Click Here for a video how to add/change pictures

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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by dewaltdisney »

I have just bought an Asus Vivobook 17 inch screen 8gb ram for £300 from Argos. My aim is disposable now as my previous £600 HP only lasted 2 years and the screen hinge broke buggering the system.

The Asus is fine although it can be a bit slow sometimes. Dump the preloaded McAfee as it uses too much resource. Just use Defender

Other than that, good value

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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by Nos »

I bought a Asus X1500E from Currys Sept 2022 i7 core very pleased with it but its only for web searching, and storing a bit of stuff, so quick enough for me, I find Win 11 ok as wel,l easily pleased perhaps.
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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by caretaker »

Hi Guys
Thank you for your reply.

I had Gadget insurance with D&G and my laptop from the corner broke and the screen would not come , if I hold it then it would work, however I gave it for repair through insurance and they could not repair it and they are replacing it.

this one I don’t need to pay enhanced fee Asus Laptop E510MA-EJ592WS this is the option which has 4Gb ram and 128Gb and 15.6 inch screen.

This one I need to pay £195 upgrade fee if I want this model Asus Laptop X705MA-BX269W this is the 2nd option but I have to pay another £195 8GB ram and 256Gb and 17.3 inch screen.

There are other models , but the price varies depending on Brand, Model and spec. I don’t know how to upload the pictures to show you the models Listed by D&G.

I only need it for General use , web browsing, emails, internet, excel sheet and word document.

Noted about the USB stick, need to buy a external storage like Seagate or western brand.
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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by stevei »

It's not easy to advise you from the info in your last post. Handling photos and photo editing needs a decent spec for speed. I've got an Asus X515 with 8gb of ram and a 512 SSD. SSD if you don't know stands for Solid State Drive. These have replaced the old Hard Disc Drives and really speed up the laptop, especially noticed on startup. So, my advice would be go for 8gb or more RAM and a minimum 512gb SSD. I prefer Asus as they seem better put together and better design of hinges. 17inch screens are a bit big for transporting. Stick with 15.6.
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ASUS laptop need advice

Post by caretaker »

Hi Guys
Thank you for your comments read all and really good advice from the expert Before buying, as I don’t know much about computers.

They only have the below in stock and need to pay £245.00 enhanced fee and I told them on Amazon it is £299 and can they not reduced the Enhanced fee. ... B0CCYVHHWB

This is what they said the upgrade fees can not be adjusted, they are based on our buying cost for our suppliers ... B0CCYVHHWB

I will see the option you mentioned as i can get free one paying £0.00 enhanced fee which is this model Asus Laptop E510MA-EJ592WS and try and sell it , as currently they are on market about £209.00 at and Argos and may not get £200 if I sell it as I may get between £100-£150 ; so even then if I buy from Amazon for £299 I may save another £50 ,but that’s no Guarantee.

I think over it by this week and I will be using the laptop may be once a week for an hour or even fortnightly, like I said I only need it use It to save my excel spreadsheet budget planner , my mums word document sheets for carers time keeping and pictures of family and DIY , also using internet to sell on website like tools and clothing I dont need and emails Now and again, as I have my mobile to do emails .
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