Not worth a watch

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

I always think the Lucan story is a bit like Elvis has been seen in Lidl and the like. The reality of hiding in plain sight is quite different from the dramas depicting it. You need a solid fake identity, access to money, and at some point, you need to work. This brings you into contact with authorities for tax and medical needs, and somewhere along the line, there will be DNA and dental records recorded. I am sure that the DNA route has already been covered which means if alive, Lucan is still outside mainstream life. In a way he has served a life sentence in many ways deprived of his former lifestyle. I think he is long dead.

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Not worth a watch

Post by Grendel »

I haven’t seen the second episode left . The trailer for it seems to show them “finding” Lucan . If he is still alive he would be close to 90 now so I suppose there is still a chance although I’m inclined to think he’s dead by now . On the programme they interviewed a close friend who said that Lucan lived in Belgravia and Mayfair and the idea of him just living in somewhere like Goa was unbelievable.
Whether he is actually dead or not he has been declared dead for all legal purposes.
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Wherever you live you mix with people in smaller communities an odd character will stick out, people are inquisitive in the main of someone who does not fit in within a community, It is a way of determining whether they pose a threat or not. If he had got a Jackal-like false passport using a deceased person's birth certificate, back when you could, he would have at some point had to renew it or get naturalised in his country of residence. As technology has moved on it is much harder to exist as a ghost and I doubt it would be possible to stay ahead of the game. The irony is if he was caught and jailed at the time he would have been released years ago. It makes cheap TV.

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Not worth a watch

Post by Grendel »

I feel that if he had stayed around there was a possibility that he wouldn’t have been convicted. The actual evidence was circumstantial to a large degree and the police largely believed he was guilty because he went missing . With decent lawyers I feel he may have been found not guilty.
There were a number of nazis who slipped away for many years and it took a lot of work for Mossad to find them but then they had a number of sympthasisers whereas Lucan was effectively short of friends and also bankrupt so disapppearing would be difficult.
I suppose it is cheap telly but there’s an awful lot far more worse cheap tv and for that matter an awful lot of expensive shite tv…
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Thank goodness Big Brother finished last night. What a vacuous bunch of no-hopers puffed up with their own self-importance. This franchise is long past its sell-by date. I think even Mrs D realises this now as she was shouting at the TV at points due to the winner being benignly divisive and manipulative and the others too thick to see it. As you can imagine the assembled bunch were selected to tick the various boxes and were mainly quite simple. The gushfest of messages from home all 'we are so proud of you' when they should be saying you look a goon. I have watched stuff on my laptop so I have missed most of it. I doubt anyone on here has watched it, it was tucked away on ITV2 which no one watches anyway. Synopsis: A load of shite

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Not worth a watch

Post by Grendel »

Oh you hide your disappointment well but not to worry I’m a Celebrity starts soon…
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Hopefully, we will not be watching as Mrs D does not usually like it. I am concerned that she knows Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy are in it so I am hoping she does not want to watch.

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Not worth a watch

Post by wine~o »

dewaltdisney wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 12:56 pm Coleen Rooney and Rebekah Vardy are in it
Errrm if those two were in it together it would be worth watching, Only Coleen Rooney.

and, no. I won't be watching.
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Mrs D has been watching the first episode of After the Party on C4 she recorded. She watched it last night and I started but soon lost interest and played Candy Crush instead, half listening. I found a lot of the characters annoying and its flashback sequences were difficult to follow when I was not watching. One bit that I did see was a surprising part where the female lead is starkers as a nude model for artists, I soon lost interest again. It just did not catch me.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

Mrs D finally finished After the Party, a dull and depressing tale. The lead actress was not very likable and had a face like a well-smacked arse. The long, drawn-out story revolves around suspicion of her ex-husband being a pedophile, and it goes on and on. The ending is all a bit sudden and after the long-winded roll out finished rather abruptly. Definitely one to miss.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

We watched Vigilante on Amazon. The title conjured up a Death Wish scenario but apart from a few good scenes it was frightfully dull and we got to spinning through the dross for the better parts. In all one to miss.

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Not worth a watch

Post by etaf »

i watched Subservience on netflix - NOT worth a watch

also watched a Seal team , on TV - so started to watch series 1 , got to about episode 16 ish and then lost the plot and all 2 samey
I think they have 7 series !!!!
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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

We started watching The Children's Train on Netflix and dumped it after 10 minutes. It was boring and I checked the history later to see if it was worth revisiting. It is based on a true story that happened after WW2 in Italy. Due to the post-war poverty in the south of Italy, the Communist Party of Italy set up a scheme to help children have a better life to be taken in by willing folk in the prosperous north. Dull and depressing we will not return to watch.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

We started The Inheritance on Netflix and realised we had seen it, so we quickly dumped it. We saw it last year in C5 and struggled through it to the end. It has many annoying and unbelievable actors, and despite a lot of praise, we found it a bit boring and irritating. It's one to miss.

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Not worth a watch

Post by dewaltdisney »

With a rash of seasonal specials on mainstream TV, we watched the Good Ship Murder Christmas special last night. This series is usually just enjoyable pap. The script is full of holes, and the star, a cruise ship entertainer and former cop, seems to know all the Police in every port where he naturally solves a murder (usually a passenger). It is passably enjoyable tosh in the main, but this offering looked like it was done on a shoestring budget while the ship was moored at Tilbury for a refit. The story was pathetic and they spun it out to time by him singing two songs at the end. Pathetic, give it a miss.

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