have you seen axxys, company called cheshire mouldings has this great balustrade system ask for a brochure or check out the web site, as someone already pointed out, get a proper joiner www.cheshiremouldings.co.uk
There is a wide range of styles and designs for your newels, spindles and handrail.
Also the way the bottom tread is designed is a design of your choice.
thanks for the sites joiner_uk
i looked on your site also and would like to know your opinion on bamboo flooring some time if you dont mind .
i have now got the style in my head what i want .
my builder that will be talking down the wall and making my stairs open seems to think that i dont need to remove my old stairs .
he says that he can repair two steps that have cracked with age and then add spindles , post and handrail ..
does this sound like a good idea to you guys ?
It would save me a decent amount of money that could go on another part of my house ..
Happy go lucky Hippie Chick who wants to create her dream home :)
Sorry to butt in but is there any difference in quality between the Axxys and Fusion ranges of stairparts? I notice both ranges involve plastic components and I'm not sure all plastic is the same.