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Fitting of new double switch not working properly with red,yellow,blue and earth wiring

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:16 pm
by arco_iris
Thanks, OnlyMe, I'd already said that - but that's for two-way switching and OP insists that he hasn't got another switch!

I want to see inside the rose to see what colour wires are there, red/yellow/blue normally only comes from another switch, not from a rose? Unless something has been altered in the past?

Fitting of new double switch not working properly with red,yellow,blue and earth wiring

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:51 am
by Keys5960
Hi only me,
The switch was wired as you suggested but the light will not come on together when each switch is depressed, the lights are only able to illuminate singularly if you get my drift,

Fitting of new double switch not working properly with red,yellow,blue and earth wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:24 pm
by wine~o
:scratch: :scratch: Exactly what did each switch do before ?? ie each side of the switch controlled both lights ???

Fitting of new double switch not working properly with red,yellow,blue and earth wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:39 pm
by Keys5960
Yes both lights from the switches but they will not both work at the same time .

Fitting of new double switch not working properly with red,yellow,blue and earth wiring

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:58 pm
by arco_iris
You are of few words and really not making yourself very clear. Several of us, you can see our joint experience by our post counts & thanks scores, are trying to help, with little to go on. Photos of both ceiling roses internal wiring would help, as your switch type is not correct for the supposed application and the wire colours are not correct for what you're saying you've got.

So there are two switches on the wall, side by side. There are two separate pendant light fittings on the ceiling. Before you messed with it, one switch controlled one light on/off and the other controlled the other light on/off?

And now, when you press one switch, a light comes on, when you then press the other switch the second light comes on but the first goes off? Confused, we need more.