Open Shelter for bikes - will this frame even work?

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Open Shelter for bikes - will this frame even work?

Post by big-all »

thats a nice job well done
the front roof edge forward say 40mm in front off the wood would protect it from drips also bottom 1/2-2/3 off the timbers cut back at 45% or sharper
would also put the front cross beam behind the legs and perhaps 38x63mm cls as the load and span is quite small as this would give you 2 or 3inches extra height
but not a criticism in any way just suggestions for less head bashing and arm stretching :thumbright:
we are all ------------------still learning
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Open Shelter for bikes - will this frame even work?

Post by dewaltdisney »

Well done, you made a good job of that and it does what you want. My only suggestion is a bit of preservative on the white wood to protect and make the colour uniform. :thumbright:

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Open Shelter for bikes - will this frame even work?

Post by ydrol »

Thanks all -Yes I'll shorten the roof struts to protect from drips and give then a bit of preservative. There is clear varnish on at the moment but a stain would look nicer.
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