Drilling into tile taking way too long, am I using the right drill?

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Drilling into tile taking way too long, am I using the right drill?

Post by Croydon86 »

London mike 61 wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 6:23 am This is just my personal choice based on what gets the job done with good results and with minimum fuss , but I like to use the Bosch multi material <span class="skimwords-potential">drill bits</span><span style="position: absolute;"></span><span style="position: absolute;"></span>. The reasons are they are sharp and stay sharp because they are hardened in a way that ordinary masonry <span class="skimwords-potential">drill bits</span><span style="position: absolute;"></span><span style="position: absolute;"></span> seem soft by comparison and wear out too quickly IMO.

I would start the initial hole with a small sized bit ( much like a tile/glass bit ) then the size you want.

<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">https://www.screwfix.com/p/bosch-straig ... 5958</span>

<span class="skimlinks-unlinked">https://www.screwfix.com/p/bosch-expert ... 98ky</span>

Yeh I have been using those exact drill bits, they are very good and served me well over the years.

I've been doing exactly what you've described, starting with a glass bit then when it seems to not do much more, I switch over to the Bosch multi-purpose bits.

This is why I was thinking maybe it's the drill as there is a chance my spear-shaped/glass bits could be worn but my Bosch bits are definitely not. They do the job eventually but just takes ages. OR I do actually have porcelain or just really tough ceramic tiles.
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Drilling into tile taking way too long, am I using the right drill?

Post by Croydon86 »

etaf wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:31 am Just a Diyer, but had to make a few holes in ceramic tiles , and was quite easy - I also have the DCD778 cordless drill
i used this for the Waste
Can find the ones for the Pipework, but again would be screwfix
But for the Screw holes for the Towel rail, Toilet holder etc - I used a 6mm RUBI DIAMOND TILE drill.
very easy to drill out on ceramic tiles,
I also got a new blade for the tile cutter , from screwfix and again ceramic tiles very easy to cut
I have also used Porcelain and they are very hard to cut.
Thanks etaf.

I have literally just purchased this drill from Screwfix last night. Amazing price with an extra 10% off and 2 5.0ah batteries.

I will try that with the bits I have and if that still provides tricky I will invest in diamond bit
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Drilling into tile taking way too long, am I using the right drill?

Post by etaf »

ok, 2x 5Ah or 2 x 2Ah was in the kit, linked to, which i also purchased 3 years ago.
https://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-dcd77 ... rill/906kv
OK, just found.
5Ah batteries are usually around the £100+ for a pair, so with the weekend 10% not bad deal
Simple DIYer
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