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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:49 pm
by handyman

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:59 am
by gday2uk
I have a 80GB PS3 and can't beat it for versitility. Great for games and streaming all those illegally downloaded .mkv's :wink:
Even with that current 'slim' review it still says the original 40GB phat model is No.1 in the console charts :scratch:

Word of advice - don't use TVersity it's rubbish.
Use ps3 media server (google it - wouldn't let me post link??).

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:36 pm
by handyman
got the ps3 slim a week ago, and it appears to be a very good player, although I cant compare it to anything else.

The HD playback on 1080 is very good, smooth and clean image (the same as direct from virgin media in 1080)

Best bit is the upscaling of normal dvds (through hdmi). Its much much better when compared to my cheapy dvd player (through scart). Even the wife noticed a big difference :lol:

Only thing i would say is it takes a while to load the menu of a bluray disk.