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Re: How do you cut or profile the open end of a wooden workt

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:49 pm
by Rusti
I have now made my cuts and could use a little more help please:

I understand I need to sand the (oak) worktop - what grain sand paper is best? And how much sanding are we talking? A real scour or just a gentle rub over the surface? I have an electric sander - will this do the job ok?

Also one length that I am joining at right angles is slightly bowed and therefore doesn't match perfectly to the adjoining piece. What would you guys do in this situation? Sand the bow down a bit? I can't really join with biscuits as it is.

I have read somewhere that you need to seal cut edges before oiling and elsewhere that you just oil edges a lot - which option is better?

I read on other forums that the best sealant is a low modulus silicone but is it ok to use this after oiling the worktop,so I can give the whole thing a few coats of oil before fit?

And lastly what adhesive do you use to join the lenghts of worktop together and can it be used after oiling?

I've looked for a definitive guide but can't find one anywhere so I'm relying on some benevolent expert help!

All the best

Re: How do you cut or profile the open end of a wooden workt

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:32 am
by prem
sand the end with 80 grit to get any marks or burnt curves that might have been made with the saw. then 180 grit and finish with 250 or higher. this way it will be a better finish than the machined edge on the front.
glue the joints with a good pva, no cheep stuff you have in the shed, or powdered resin( cascamite, resinite )
all cuts should be well sealed (oiled) some manufactures like to put silver foil over a cut.
dont forget the barrier paper over all appliances, wickes info sheet tells you to apply 2 coats of varnish. this is not good enough, you must have a barrier.